Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sparta is better than Athens
Sparta is better than Athens Ancient Greece's physical boundaries (mountains) secluded individual cities. This isolation led to the development of city-states. Each city-state was very patriotic. This led to extreme rivalries. The best example of these rivalries is the one between the city-states of Athens and Sparta. Fierce competition paved the way for constant warring between the two states. During times of war the number one priority for the government is to protect its people. Democratic Athens did not provide the basic needs for its people. Athens focused on its arts and entertainment. Spartans oligarchy protected its people by centering their society on military. Sparta was better because it was stable and protected its people. To prove that Sparta was better than Athens this essay will discuss the conflicting focuses of each government and how Sparta met the needs of her people in a time period of war.The Athenian government did not suit the needs of its people during war-time.Ruins of Ancient Sparta, Gr eece.In 700bc landowners gained power, increasing the size of peasantry. Athens did not have enough land for the peasants to survive on. So they set up colonies around the Mediterranean. Athenian colonies traded with each other and became exceptionally rich. Instead of infusing the money into their army, it was spent on arts, building projects and athletics. After the Peloponnesian War, Athenian domination was instilled. This bothered the surrounding Greek city-states and Sparta led an attack to end Athenian superiority. In 404bc The Spartan army easily conquered ill equipped Athens. In Athenian democracy 400 nobles proposed laws and an assembly of 500 hundred accepted the laws. This assembly consisted of everyday working class men. The more time these men spent away from their jobs the less money they made. This posed a drag on the economy. Also the assembly of 500 was meaningless...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
AnnouncingAccepted - The PrepScholar College Admissions Podcast
AnnouncingAccepted - The PrepScholar College Admissions Podcast SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you love our strategy guides, we have great news: PrepScholar is launching a college admissions podcast! It's hosted by PrepScholar co-founder and Harvard grad Allen Cheng and writer Melissa Brinks. Download our podcast now at iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, and Libsyn (or wherever you get your podcasts). In our first season, which will be ten episodes long, we’ll be covering the foundations of a strong college application- how to make a college list, what SAT/ACT score is high enough, and how to maintain a good GPA with strong coursework throughout high school. Our goal in the podcast is to have an engaging conversation about college applications, in ways that are more approachable than our world-famous online strategy guides. Better yet, we’ll be taking real questions from our listeners about each topic and answering them on the show itself. So if you've ever wanted your questions answered by PrepScholar co-founder Allen Cheng, submit your questions to Our first three episodes of Season 1 are already available through iTunes,Spotify, Stitcher,Google Play, andLibsyn. We’ll be releasing new episodes every two weeks, with new questions from students like you every episode. Enjoy, and send us your burning questions!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
History Paper on the Portrayal of Women in Advertising Research
History on the Portrayal of Women in Advertising - Research Paper Example In this context, it can be stated that portrayal of women in advertising is nothing new. The gender-based advertisement has shown a growing trend and has become more diverse over the years. It is a known fact that repetitive themes shown in advertisement influence the perception of people and society to a great extent. The mode of advertisement using media and print media such as magazines has shown profound transition over centuries. Notwithstanding, it is often argued that the role of women in advertising are much narrower than that of men. In this regard, many scholars have claimed that advertising characters of women are portrayed as subordinates to men and in a passive role. Sexual portrayal and sexuality has been used in advertisement since long. The gender stereotype was clearly visible earlier centuries and the role of women in advertising profoundly affected the perception of society towards women (Jacobson and Mazur 75-82). Historically, women in advertising had been represented as a sex object and had been subject to widespread exploitation. Besides, gender biases and racial biases were clearly apparently in the historical context with respect to women advertising. The image of women during the earlier centuries particularly in 19the century extremely suffered in the society due to objectification as well as sexism. It is evident that women are used in advertisement and their image is sometimes manipulated and distorted in order to promote women as a stereotype sex object. This is again due to the fact that women were given no power in the earlier days. The theme of using women as a sexual object initiated in the year 1850 when women were used and exposed to sell the product. For instance, the portrayal of nude women for the sale of tobacco in the 1850’s was normal due to the perception and mindset of people. Gender role was high in the initial years when advertisement through television or mag azines initiated. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Criminal justice - Essay Example As an account to the shaking history of humanitarian catastrophes as well as undoubtedly horrifying awakening to the 20th century in the face of the events leading to World’s FIRST WORDL WAR and the events following it, this article will look into the region most recently in headlines for its problems coming undisturbed straight from the time of start of the century, the BALKANS. The rest of the article also discusses the phenomenon that has now deeply rooted itself in the labyrinths of our minds as an everlasting memory which is being refreshed time and again by the terrorists. We will also look into the impact of the fall of soviet unionand its effect on global terrorism.Balkans is the transit of civilization. It is seen as a connection between three great cultures, the Asian, European and the African culture. And when we have such a strategic and delicate place to be living in, there are bound to be some rifts and discontent among the people who don’t recognize themselves with respect to the region of their birth. Anything can happen right from local interests up to the global interests fighting for the domination over the whole area. And whenever we have wars resulting from the rift, we have political fragmentation and making more states. The initial ottoman empire that was thrown out of the power by the mutual wars that the surrounding countries exercised upon it could not stand up from there and was thrown out along with its rich and ancient culture (along with its historical domination with respect to culture, people and the heir). ... Separation , cruelty and hatred between small ethnic groups developed end of 18th and 19th century because that was the time when the European power: the balance between Russian and Turkish powers was very important and the small Balkan nation demanding its own authority was not given a thought and expectations from Europe to decide upon some conclusion was depressing. The Balkan word is of Turkish origin meaning rocky mountains and this area consists of five states namely Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania. The geographical condition Criminal justice 4 of Balkans divides the east from the west Europe. The Balkans is under equipped in terms of communication it is cut off from Adriatic coast, lacks fertile land and the people of the area are separated and there is a tendency towards social isolation and further complimented by divergent temperatures. The Balkan region is primarily dependent on agriculture and the industrialization is on a very small scale, and there is a scarce rainfall and larger density of population lives on cultivable land, which is very less. There is wide variety of languages, religions and races that contribute to political divisions and social schisms and historical events have resulted in perpetual minority problems. Due to this varied pedigree of people there was tension and rivalry among them but even after the balkan wars of 1912-1913, the concluding WWI peace treaties around 6 million people were under the permanent ethnic minority groups and these were the sources of tension and rivalries. Poor economic conditions have usually led to political instability, power politics and dictatorial regimes.[1] TERRORISM IN BALKANS Terrorism and the Balkan
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critique Paper Writing Tips Essay Example for Free
Critique Paper Writing Tips Essay It is imperative to understand what a critique paper really is. When your teacher asks you to write a critique, they are asking you to analyze and evaluate, and not just summarize. A critique is rather an essay or article that criticizes literary or other work e.g. a movie. Make sure you are completely familiar with the book/movie/piece of art before critiquing it. A critique answers the few questions of how? why? and how well? A critique does not mean criticizing the work in a negative sense but rather interpreting it as you see it. It usually combines both positive and negative. †¢ The first step to take is to analyze the piece of work. Discuss the author’s main point of view and his purpose. See who is he performing for i.e. who is his audience. What arguments does the author use to support his main point and what evidence does he cite. Check for any underlying biases or assumptions in the work that the author produces. †¢ Next, you need to evaluate the author’s ideas.You need to see whether the argument he provides is logical, and the facts provided accurate. There might be jargon present in a book, so the author should have defined it and explained it or even in other works, important terms should be defined. You should check the authenticity of facts and sources cited and whether there is a sufficient amount of it. †¢ Lastly, you need to plan and write your critique. You should do this in standard essay form. In the first paragraph, you need to introduce the topic, state the thesis, make a plot summary, and give your readers a clue of what they are to expect. An introduction also includes the background of the piece of work that you are going to critique. For a book, write the name of the author and a bit of information about them that pertains to the argument. A movie introduction includes the director, the basic theme, and the names of the main actors. An art critique would include basic information on the painter and the work that you are going to examine, as well as basic features of this certain work such as its title, the art materials that have been used, and its location. In the second part of the critique i.e. the main body, start into the story. In this part, you will have to introduce the characters, setting, and give a lot of detail. Bring out the author’s important points and evaluate whether the evidence provided by the author supports his point of view. Break the thesis and different parts of the story into separate points and examine each point separately. A very important thing that will strengthen all your arguments is giving real examples from the piece of work you are using. Conclude the critique paper with really critiquing the piece of work i.e. the good and bad, and how it made you feel. Answer any questions you raised along the way and make the final statement about the piece of work.
Friday, November 15, 2019
An Analysis of Neil Young’s Pono Music Player Essay -- Pono Music Play
Introduction The researcher’s objective in this paper is to address the issue of the compromise that has been occurring throughout the years, wherein music producers are forced to present material to their audience in simplified, compressed forms. In particular, the researcher would like to dissect Neil Young’s most current innovation – the Pono music player, and analyze whether or not its attempts at aiding this audiophiliac dilemma poses potential success. The researcher also aims to look at whether or not the general public presents a need for this type of product, seeing as there are numerous portable music players already accessible on the market. Over the course of several decades, the engineer’s mind has proven adamant in its attempts at producing and delivering high-fidelity music to the general public. Canadian musician, Neil Young identifies with this statement as he reveals his latest addition to the gallery of high-resolution music players – the Pono music player. With numerous products containing a similar concept available in the market, Young and the investors of this project are faced with the question of whether or not there is a need for another device of this nature, and whether or not the general public recognizes the same musical dilemma of having to listen compromised-quality audio. â€Å"Pono†takes its name from the Hawaiian term for â€Å"righteous†or â€Å"goodness.†In a speech Canadian singer/song-writer, Neil Young gave during the 2014 South By Southwest Festival in Texas, he explains that Pono is potentially a great way to serve music to an artist’s audience in the best quality possible: the quality in which producer wishes for it to be heard. The body of literature on management of technology and inno... ... Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. . Baldwin, Y. C. The Architecture of Platforms: A Unified View. In Platforms, Markets and Innovation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Limited, 2009. Print. Den Uijl, Simon, Henk J. de Vries, and Deniz Bayramoglu. "The rise of MP3 as the market standard: how compressed audio files became the dominant music format." International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 11.1 (2013): 1+. J Josephson, I. "NPD Music Year in Review. J." (2005): In Proceedings of the NARM. n. pag. 04 Apr. 2005. Web. Langlois, R.N., and P.L. Robertson. "Networks and Innovation in a Modular System: Lessons from the Microcomputer and Stereo Component Industries." Research Policy, 21, 297-313. Doi:10.1016/00487333(92)90030-8., 1992. Web.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Unequal Distribution of Power
Marxist speaks about the unequal distribution of power and wealth and resources in a society. They believe the ones with the resources in a society. They believe that the ones with the resources are the ones oppressing those without those resources. Marxist links their theory to deviance by saying because some have access to fewer resources in the Capitalist society they are seen as more likely to commit crime. Marxist speaks about the upper classes using their power influence and their wealth to hide their crimes and deviant behaviours.They buy their way out of trouble by hiring attorneys and using bribes. Marxist thought to argue that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political in nature. They rejected the idea that deviance is ‘determined’ by factors such as biology, personality, anomie, social disorganization or labels. Rather they argued, individuals actively choose to engage in deviant behaviour respond to the inequalities of the capitalist system. Because this is so, they set up a system where there is something such as social control agents these are they who administer the response to deviance such as police and the army.Although the oppressed groups in society (proletariat) may behave or act deviant, whether or not they do they are more likely to be labelled deviant. For instance in Trinidad there is some communities that are seen as or labelled as deviant places because of its crime rate. Although, not everyone living there are criminals are categorized or group together with that so called deviant community. For instance someone who lives in Lavantille may go to an interview has all the qualifications but because he/ she resides there they may not be ‘‘qualified’’ for the job.The other social classes are not crime-free, the ruling groups in society develop means and mechanisms to protect their interest according to conflict theorist who argue that laws are created protect and sustain the capitalist. Alt hough the public seems to think that the lower classes are more likely commit crime, white-collar workers also commit many crimes. White collar criminal activity in Trinidad and Tobago, though hardly ever reported is not un-noticed. It exists at various levels of society both in the public and private sector.However, the merits or demerits of any allegation of wrongdoings made are hardly ever thoroughly investigated, and almost never comes before a criminal court. It is instead ascribed to poor corporate governance rather than deliberate criminal acts. The police or some rather of this small Caribbean island of Trinidad are very corrupt they will commit wrongful doings of all kind and yet still walk freely like it is normal. It is indeed true that they are protected by their own kind.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Engine Lab Report
Engine Lab Report Diesel Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |121. 6 |17. 5 |3018 |26. 6 |130. 16 |2. 47 |52. 7 |4. 5 |0. 019 | |80 |94. 72 |17. 5 |3009 |26. 7 |130. 14 |3. 17 |41. 05 |8. 97 |0. 059 | |125 |72. 76 |17 |3009 |26. 8 |128. 25 |4. 12 |31. 13 |14. 02 |0. 111 | |171 |56. 95 |17 |3000 |26. 9 |128. 23 |5. 72 |24. 33 |19. 12 |0. 161 | |212 |46. 06 |16. 5 |3006 |27. 1 |126. 28 |6. 51 |19. 40 |23. 6 |0. 202 | |232 |41. 20 |17 |3010 |27. 2 |128. 16 |7. 28 |17. 60 |26. 03 |0. 216 | | Petrol Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |285 |2 |3000 |26. 8 | 42. 50 | 3. 19 | 13. 32 | 4. 47 |0. 014 | |109 |191 |7 |3000 |27. 4 | 79. 44 | 4. 77 | 6. 65 |12. 19 |0. 072 | |160 |160 |8 |2950 |28. 2 | 84. 81 | 5. 69 | 14. 91 |17. 60 |0. 125 | |248 |110. 5 |14 |3000 |28 . 2 | 112. | 8. 24 | 13. 62 |27. 74 |0. 215 | |313 |93. 56 |20 |3000 |28. 3 | 145. 4 | 9. 73 | 14. 94 |35. 01 |0. 290 | |374 |71. 81 |27 |3000 |28. 4 | 168. 9 | 12. 68 | 13. 32 |41. 83 |0. 317 | | [pic] Fig 1 [pic] Fig 2 From Fig 1, we know that air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is not changing much as the brake power increases, however for the diesel engine, the air-fuel ratio drops as the power increases. This is because the throttle which is situated in the air intake duct of the petrol engine.For the petrol engine, the combustion takes place in the whole cylinder, so the air-fuel ratio should be maintained to make sure the combustion to take place rapidly enough all the time. The throttle will adjust the air-fuel ratio. For the diesel engine, the combustion takes place around individual droplets of the fuel spray, therefore the output is related to the amount of fuel injected, and the air flow is not controlled. Fig 2 shows that the efficiency increases with the power for both engines, however the diesel engine reaches higher efficiency than the petrol engine.This is because, for the diesel engine, the input of the fuel is in the form of fuel spray. The compression of the fuel and air is avoided. This will make the maximum cylinder volume to minimum larger, and leads to higher efficiency. So, the petrol engine should be used in light vehicles because it is lighter than the diesel engine and it can reach higher power than the diesel engine which produces higher speed of the cars. And, the diesel engine should be used for the heavy vehicles, since it has higher efficiency. The heavy cars need to do more work, so the efficiency is more important to them. Engine Lab Report Engine Lab Report Diesel Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |121. 6 |17. 5 |3018 |26. 6 |130. 16 |2. 47 |52. 7 |4. 5 |0. 019 | |80 |94. 72 |17. 5 |3009 |26. 7 |130. 14 |3. 17 |41. 05 |8. 97 |0. 059 | |125 |72. 76 |17 |3009 |26. 8 |128. 25 |4. 12 |31. 13 |14. 02 |0. 111 | |171 |56. 95 |17 |3000 |26. 9 |128. 23 |5. 72 |24. 33 |19. 12 |0. 161 | |212 |46. 06 |16. 5 |3006 |27. 1 |126. 28 |6. 51 |19. 40 |23. 6 |0. 202 | |232 |41. 20 |17 |3010 |27. 2 |128. 16 |7. 28 |17. 60 |26. 03 |0. 216 | | Petrol Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |285 |2 |3000 |26. 8 | 42. 50 | 3. 19 | 13. 32 | 4. 47 |0. 014 | |109 |191 |7 |3000 |27. 4 | 79. 44 | 4. 77 | 6. 65 |12. 19 |0. 072 | |160 |160 |8 |2950 |28. 2 | 84. 81 | 5. 69 | 14. 91 |17. 60 |0. 125 | |248 |110. 5 |14 |3000 |28 . 2 | 112. | 8. 24 | 13. 62 |27. 74 |0. 215 | |313 |93. 56 |20 |3000 |28. 3 | 145. 4 | 9. 73 | 14. 94 |35. 01 |0. 290 | |374 |71. 81 |27 |3000 |28. 4 | 168. 9 | 12. 68 | 13. 32 |41. 83 |0. 317 | | [pic] Fig 1 [pic] Fig 2 From Fig 1, we know that air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is not changing much as the brake power increases, however for the diesel engine, the air-fuel ratio drops as the power increases. This is because the throttle which is situated in the air intake duct of the petrol engine.For the petrol engine, the combustion takes place in the whole cylinder, so the air-fuel ratio should be maintained to make sure the combustion to take place rapidly enough all the time. The throttle will adjust the air-fuel ratio. For the diesel engine, the combustion takes place around individual droplets of the fuel spray, therefore the output is related to the amount of fuel injected, and the air flow is not controlled. Fig 2 shows that the efficiency increases with the power for both engines, however the diesel engine reaches higher efficiency than the petrol engine.This is because, for the diesel engine, the input of the fuel is in the form of fuel spray. The compression of the fuel and air is avoided. This will make the maximum cylinder volume to minimum larger, and leads to higher efficiency. So, the petrol engine should be used in light vehicles because it is lighter than the diesel engine and it can reach higher power than the diesel engine which produces higher speed of the cars. And, the diesel engine should be used for the heavy vehicles, since it has higher efficiency. The heavy cars need to do more work, so the efficiency is more important to them.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Explain the Determinants of Personality Essays
Explain the Determinants of Personality Essays Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Ans. Personality is the outcome of a continuous personal quality development process. The role of personality becomes clear in a particular situation. Personality is recognised in a situation. It is the result of personal quality interaction in a particular condition. The major determinants of personality of an individual are given below: Biological Factors Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be either completely or substantially influenced by who your parents were; that is, by their biological, physiological, and inherent psychological makeup. The contribution of heredity to personality development is vividly clear for developing external appearance, behaviour, social stimuli, self inner awareness, organising traits, etc. Brain: Brain has a great impact on personality. The psychologists are unable to prove empirically the contribution of human brain in influencing personality. Father and children generally adopt the same type of brain stimulation. The differences are caused by environment. Electrical stimulation of brain (ESB) and split brain psychology (SBP)are the outcome of genetic transmision. The are helpful in moulding employees behaviour. ESB is used for motivating employees towards better performances. Managers are trained to use SBP for mobilising employees for proper behaviour. Physical Features: Perhaps the most outstanding factor that contributes to personality is the physical stature of an individual. An individuals external appearance is proved to be having a tremendous effect on personality. For example, the fact that a person is short or tall, fat or thin, handsome or ugly, black or whitish will undoubtedly influence the persons effect on others and in turn will affect the self-concept. A persons physical characteristics may be related to his approach to the social environment, to the expectancies of others, and to their reactions, to him. These in turn may have impact on personality development. Environment Cultural Factors: The accepted norms of social behaviour are known as culture. Culture was traditionally considered as the major determinant of an individuals personality. The way in which people behave with others and the driving force of such functions are considered significant components of culture. The ideology of the culture is imitated by the following generations. The personality attributes of independence, aggression, competition and cooperation are the outcomes of cultural interaction. Religion: Religion plays a significant role in shaping ones personality. Hindus have different personalities from those of Sikhs and Muslims. Children in Hindu societies learn from the very beginning about hard work and god-fearing attitudes. Christians are open, independent, and cooperative. Family: Children learn from their parents, sisters and brothers. amily is the first factor affecting personality development, after hereditary characteristics are endowed. Rich people have different personalities from those of poor. Children nurtured under a warm, loving environment are positive and active as compared to children neglected by their parents. Parental Influences: The positive and negative personalities of children are dependent on their parents characteristics and mutual behaviour. Childr en develop negative personalities if their parents dont have good relationship. Proper parental guidance to children makes them active and efficient. Situation Situation further influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality. A individuals personality, while generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations. Different demands in different situations call forth different aspects of ones personality. It has been observed that many arrogant and indisciplined employees become humble and disciplined in a particular situation. Those having a criminal background may become powerful and strong administrators, dominant politicians, etc.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
49 Tips on How to Cheat at College
49 Tips on How to Cheat at College 49 Tips on How to Cheat at College Do you remember that frigging fear, when you enter your class to take a test and understand that you remember nothing on the subject? You may have missed the classes or spent a previous night out, so there wasn’t enough time to study. Or you just wanted to relax and spend your time in a better way. In all such cases, you may want to cheat to save yourself and not to worsen your grades. We have collected 49 tips on how to save you from a disastrous test and help to sleep better at night. If you think that you are the only one to cheat, relax! According to the latest study, over 60% of all the students cheat in the class. Ask a friend. This one is probably the most popular way of cheating and only requires a reliable friend, who will be willing to assist you. Provide him with all the necessary notes and make sure he has internet connection to be able to get all the information fast. You will only need to text him a message with a question and wait for an answer; Use an earpiece. If you like spy movies, you will definitely like this method. Just buy an earpiece with a Bluetooth and record lectures beforehand. You will be able to listen to them and extract all the necessary information; Take a bottle with you. Make small notes and put them inside the wrapper. You can open them any time and no one will understand that your bottle is not for drinking! Classical method. You can make notes on any item you are allowed to take to the test. This can be a calculator, a ruler or an index card. You can use it any time you need and your professor won’t suspect anything; Order online. This type of an assistance is applicable for written tests, like essays or reports. You can hire an online writing company and give them all the details of the task. Then you will only need to check it on plagiarism to make sure it is original and memorize the paper before the test; Use your arms. You can make notes on your hand and a forearm, covering them with a sleeve. In such a way, no one will notice it and you will easily get access to the information any time you need; Take a mechanical pencil with you. This one is a simple trick: write down the notes on a tiny sheet of paper, roll it and put inside the barrel; Look at your neighbor’s work. Make sure he has excellent skills on the topic, as you may fail if rewriting answers of someone, who is also not good at the subject; Search online. If you can pull out your smartphone in the class, just type the request in your browser and get all the information you need. You can also go to the bathroom and find all the data; Stretch a rubber band and write down all the notes you may need. When it gets back to its usual size, there won’t be any trace of the notes and you will only need to stretch it again if you need help; Ask for a sample. If your friend or any other student is holding a test before you, ask him to make a photo of the test. You will be able to prepare the answers or learn them by heart before starting the test on your own; Buy a smart watch. You can make all the notes on your smartphone and simply link it with a smart watch. In such a way, you can ‘check the time’ and get all the information you may need; Make a hole in your eraser and put notes inside; Take a bigger eraser and write all the answers on it. If professor is approaching, simply erase the answers with a smaller one; Learn while sleeping. Play an audio version of the lectures, while you are asleep. Scientists say that you will remember all the information and will be able to use it any time you need; Print a mini-book. Type all the notes, print them and cut small squares, making a sort of a booklet; Take an mp3 pen, which contains all the information you may need; Just put all the notes you need to the inside of the hat; Write down the notes on the inside of your hat and put it on your table. Consult your hat any time you need assistance; Use a rubber part of the shoes to make all the notes and use it, when you need to get the answers; Get a partner. Cooperate with another student and share answers. Two heads may be much better than one! Look for clues. Look around as if you are thinking about something and try to search for the answers. There may be posters with diagrams or data on the walls of your classroom; Go to the bathroom. Excuse yourself as if you need to pee and simply use your phone or consult a friend to get all the answers you need; Put your thighs together and place all the notes between them. Your professor will never suspect that you are holding notes there! Use the ‘sneezing system’. Partner with a friend, who can make sneezes with the answers. For example ‘be-choo’ for an answer ‘B’; Learn one half of the test and leave the second one to your friend. Sit near to each other on a test and share the answers. This is a great way to get excellent grades without spending too much time over books; Use gestures with a friend to share the answers. You may even learn a basic sign language; For advanced students, there is a ‘morse code’. For example, one tap goes to the answer ‘A’, two taps for ‘B’ and so on; Wear a tie and use its back to hide all the necessary notes; Take a gum with you and put the answers inside of its wrapper; A belt buckle calculator. Yes, you heard it! If you are not allowed to take a calculator to the class, you may use the one, which is hidden in the buckle of a belt; Write down all the answers you need on a bookmark, placed in your textbook. Replace it with the next one if necessary; Pretend that you are using a calculator on your smartphone and consult the notes instead; Light inks. Use them to make notes on the index cards and your tutor won’t see them; Replace the tests. This one is quite tricky but guarantees that you will get the highest grade. Ask your friend to take a photo of the test, print it at home and fill in all the answer to pass at the classroom; Consult Wikipedia. You can download their app or simply enter the website from your browser. It is a perfect place to get brief information on a subject; Another favorite trick for all the lovers of spy movies is to buy an ink for a black light and take it with you to the class; Use a skirt. Hide all the notes under your skirt and your tutor won’t be able to check whether you have any hidden answers. Unfortunately, this is an option only for the girls; Buy a see-through pen and put all your notes inside of it; Make all the notes on a small sheet of paper and put them inside the case of your calculator. Any time your professor is approaching, close the case; Take an electronic dictionary, which contains all the notes you need. Most professors mistakenly take such dictionaries for a calculator; Make pictures of the study materials and open them on your phone at the class or while you are in the bathroom; Use an invisible ink to make notes on your desk. Any time you need answers, you will only have to use an ultraviolet light and no one will suspect anything; Put a blank sheet of paper over the one, which contains the answers. Put it aside if you need access to the notes or return to its place if the tutor is approaching; Contact anyone, who is online via various messaging apps or social media and ask for help. It will be even better if you can do it in a hall or in a bathroom; Buy spyglasses, which play the video of the notes or a textbook. This is quite a costly option but definitely one of the coolest ones; Reproduce your ‘cheat sheet’ with a laser pen. However, you should be sitting on the back row of the class; If you are assigned to complete a written assignment but you are running out of time, you can artificially increase the margins, fonts, spaces and so on; Learn! Of course, cheating in the class is much simpler but you can take some time and study to get the highest scores without any harm. Use an appropriate and the most suitable way for a particular situation and you will surely get high grades and save your time to prepare for the test.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Happiness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Happiness - Research Paper Example In addition, the modern world fills our heads full of numerous distractions, many of which claim happiness can only be achieved after one has accomplished this material good or that status in life. In America, for example, people learn that happiness is what occurs when we have finally managed to claim ownership of a luxury car, a fine house and a stunning wardrobe to show off the tremendous body we’ve maintained, perhaps with the help of a personal trainer or skilled plastic surgeon. â€Å"To fulfill their dreams, Americans claim they need an annual income of $102,000†(Myers, 2000). According to Bolt (2004) and others, almost three-quarters of college freshmen feel being ‘very well-off financially’ to be a ‘very important’ or ‘essential’ goal in life (Bolt, 2004: 124). Other studies seem to indicate that our concept of happiness continues to change through life, so that what might have made us happy in the past will likely lose i ts ability to make us happy in the future (Diener & Diener, 2009). Although definitions of happiness and how to attain it may shift over time, research seems to link gaining happiness very strongly with the concept of adhering to a strongly identified sense of moral behavior. Within this discussion, it is important to understand that the concept of moral behavior as it is considered by philosophers does not merely constitute a choice between right and wrong behavior. The term â€Å"morality†is defined as a â€Å"moral quality or character; rightness or wrongness, as of an action†(Neufeldt & Goralnik, 1994: 882) and it is closely associated with the term â€Å"ethics†which is â€Å"the study of standards of conduct and moral judgment.†Even this much of an explanation is unclear, though, as terms such as â€Å"standards of conduct,†â€Å"moral judgment†and â€Å"moral character†have yet to be defined on a concrete level. These terms are potentially defined differently depending upon
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Problem of Studying Abroad Research Proposal
The Problem of Studying Abroad - Research Proposal Example The everyday living charges and some other education later funds may become known to the student only after he has experienced practical settlement into the foreign country. These hidden costs might inflate with the passage and it may not even be certain as to what their rate of inflation would be. The global uncertainty of economic conditions may be regarded as one of the pushing factors that result in this uncertainty of the situation. Incorporation The learning methods of the foreign country may be entirely different from those that have been followed by you in your educational system all your life. This might make incorporation into the foreign country’s learning setup difficult for the foreign students unless they are absolute geniuses. Diversity and Ethnicity Racial and ethnic discrimination may become a very grave issue for foreign students. If the ethnic background of the foreign student is targeted and is being mocked at by other students native to the foreign educational institution the learning environment becomes unbearable. Despite the understanding and open-mindedness of the twentieth century there have often been reported cases of ethnic discrimination against foreign students especially in areas like central London and Australia. Loneliness Staying away from home and family for months and often years is a very hard nut to crack. Students may be motivated enough to leave home for further studies but the hardships and settling compromises that they need to make in order to get adjusted into the new environment make them feel the worth of their native land and home. It is then that the foreign students feel really lonely and long for the helping hands that used to be always available for them back at their native homeland.
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