Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wind Energy Wind Power - 1049 Words
Wind energy is the use of air flow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electricity. Wind power has been used as long as humans have put sails into the wind. Wind power is an alternative to burning fossils, is plentiful, renewable, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, consumes no water, and uses little , or barely any land. Wind power gives variable power which is very consistent from year to year, but it has significant variation over shorter time scales. It is used with other electrical power resources to give a reliable supply. The first windmill used for the production of electricity was built in Scotland in July 1887 by Professor James Blyth of Anderson’s College. The development of of electric power caused wind power to find new applications in lighting buildings remote from centrally generated power. A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in the same location used for production of electricity. A large wind farm may consis t of several hundred individual wind turbines distributed over an extended area, but the land between the turbines may be used for agricultural or other purpose. The Gansu Wind Farm is the largest wind farm in the world, it has several thousand turbines. A wind farm may also be located offshore. Almost all large wind turbines have the same design, a horizontal axis wind turbine having an upwind rotor with three blades, attached to a nacelle on top of a tall tubular tower. Offshore wind power refers toShow MoreRelatedWind Energy : Wind Power3274 Words  | 14 PagesDue to the depletion of energy source like fossil fuels there is an increased utilization in the non conventional sources such as wind energy, solar energy, and biogas energy. Wind Energy is the conversion of wind power to electrical energy. Wind power is an inexpensive form of energy compared with coal, gas or fossil fuel powered plants. Wind energy exists over wide geographic areas (Onshore and offshore). Increased de ployment of wind energy (Renewable energy) and energy efficient techniques haveRead MoreWind Energy And Wind Power1225 Words  | 5 PagesWind Energy and Wind Power Wind is an abundant resource on our planet. And this resource has particular characteristics that make it advisable for us, human beings, to utilize it in order to generate electricity. It is considered a type of solar energy, since the wind is produced by the differences of heating of the atmosphere of our planet performed by the sun, some abnormalities on the terrain of the planet, and also the rotation of the Earth. Some conditions can alternate the patterns of theRead MoreWind Energy And Wind Power1799 Words  | 8 PagesWind power Wind energy or wind power is extracted from air flow using wind turbines or sails to produce mechanical or electrical energy. Windmills are used for their mechanical power, wind pumps for water pumping, and sails to propel ships. Wind turbines operate on a simple principle. The energy in the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity. Click on the image to see an animation of windRead MoreWind Power And Energy Power6573 Words  | 27 PagesAbstract Wind power is still the most promising renewable energy in the year of 2013. The wind turbine system (WTS) started with a few tens of kilowatt power in the 1980s. Now, multi megawatt wind turbines are widely installed even up to 6–8 MW. There is a widespread use of wind turbines in the distribution networks and more and more wind power stations, acting as power plants, are connected directly to the transmission networks. As the grid penetration and power level of the wind turbines increaseRead MorePotential Energy and Wind Power742 Words  | 3 Pagesoutside, wind blows towards your face, can you imagine the wind can transfer to electricity? Majority people in China have the idea of the coal-burning as a way to produce electricity. However, coal is a limited resource nowadays. Scientists had found out several alternative ways to produce energy, for exampleâ€â€wind power. Wind power can bring us many benefits because wind is an infinite resource; wind power is environmen tally friendly while wind farm is also a low-tax project. Wind power, a new wayRead MoreRenewebal Energy: Wind power Essay774 Words  | 4 Pagesusing the wind power as our energy. Wind power is electricity that is powered by the windmill, this power is renewable, and sustainable, which means that it would be always able to get electricity from it unless there aren’t any wind. The wind power worked mainly by the wind. First, the wind spin the blade, and the blades turn a turbines and this generates electricity, then the cable runs down inside the tower. At last, the cable carried the electricity where every it was needed. Wind power bringsRead MoreRenewable Energy: Wind Power Essay791 Words  | 4 PagesWind Power is the use of our natural wind that converts it into mechanical energy which eventually becomes electricity. You may not realize this, but we used wind power that dated centuries ago. It pumped water, ground grain, and plenty of other things. (Resources, Ever since recorded history, people had the ability to use wind as a source of energy. Wind power was been used to propel boats along rivers as early as 5000 B.C. At 200 B.C., China used windmills to pump water, while in PersiaRead MoreRenewable Energy: Wind Power Essay582 Words  | 3 PagesWIND POWER Wind is one type of renewable energy that can be developed to generate free and clean energy replacing the one that be renewed and cause the pollution such as fossil fuel. Wind energy can be extracted by using the suitable wind turbine that is suitable with the current wind speed at observe location which is eastern coast of peninsula Malaysia. Generally, Malaysia has a potential to use the wind as alternative energy because of the wind speed in Malaysia can reached until 12 m/s andRead MoreIs Wind Power A Successful Source Of Energy854 Words  | 4 PagesThere are some requirements that are needed to make wind power a successful source of energy. Wind power must still compete with conventional generation sources on a cost basis. Depending on how energetic a wind site is, the wind farm may or may not be cost competitive. Even though the cost of wind power has decreased dramatically in the past 10 years, the technology requires a higher initial investment than fossil-fueled generators. Good wind sites are often located in remote locations, far fromRead More Wind Power as the Future Energy Source Essay845 Words  | 4 PagesWind Power- the Future Energy Source Abstract: We are facing an energy crisis on Earth. Burning fossil fuels are harming the atmosphere; this global warming and affects produces chemicals that hurt our body. People are starting to think about using alternative energy. Wind power would be our first choice, because it’s clean, inexhaustible and renewable. Today, wind power is mainly used in Europe. We believed wind power would be the main source of alternative energy for world use. Introduction:
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Explain The Influence Of Homers Odyssey On Margaret Atwood
Explain the influence of Homer’s Odyssey on Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood said that after reading The Odyssey she had two questions; â€Å"what led to the hanging of the maids and what was Penelope really up to?†. In writing The Penelopiad, she felt she was able to answer those questions. The Odyssey is from Odysseus’ point of view, recorded by Homer, but is not the only version of the story as it was mainly handed down through generations orally, which can lead to details being changed. She wanted to tell the story from a different angle, Penelope’s point of view. Homer’s Odyssey was a significant influence on Atwood. However, she also used other historical records of the story of Odysseus’ journey. â€Å"I have drawn on details other than the†¦show more content†¦She also wanted to tell the twelve maids’ story of their lives and the events leading up to their deaths. The Penelopiad was intended for a modern, young female audience. The Novella was written in recent times so the thought pr ocess around the value of women has change significantly. Women now have a more equal standing in society than they did when The Odyssey was recorded. This is demonstrated in the novella by Penelope’s intelligence and strong character. Explain reasons for the different portrayals of Odysseus, of Penelope and of the twelve maidservants. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is depicted as a strong, brave husband and father. He can sleep with whom he pleases, he hides some truth from his fellow men. â€Å"I did not mention the inescapable horror of Scylla, fearing that in their panic my men might stop rowing and huddle below decks.†Odysseus gets angry when he returns home after twenty years of being away and the Suitors are in his home, courting his wife. Odysseus is the king of Ithaca, he is the father of Telemachus and husband of Penelope. Odysseus is described as an excellent warrior and a brave hero. â€Å"You are hard, man, Odysseus. Your force is greater, your limbs ever wear out. You must be made all of Iron.†He is the paterfamilias of the household. In The Penelopiad, Penelope talks about their wedding night where Odysseus says â€Å"Forget everything you’ve been told†¦ I’m not going to hurt you, or not very much. But it would help us both if
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Ragging Essay Example For Students
Ragging Essay Come the months of July and August and a new batch of students enters the portals of our colleges and Universities. It should not surprise an onlooker if he sees an expression of furtive apprehensiveness on many a face: they are anticipating (not looking forward to mind you) the traditional welcome their seniors have in store for them ragging. Opinion differs on the nature and use of ragging. Some say; it is mere horseplay, just exuberant youthful spirit, only innocent fun. It is often justified as a means of putting the confused and inhibited fresher at ease, a form of initiation ceremony which builds a lasting bond between the newcomer and the seniors. The dictionary explains the term as having fun or poking fun at someone: to tease. Obviously implies some mild and harmless jokes. Ragging however would not be an issue of concern if it were indeed. Only a form of fun it might have been so once upon a time. Admittedly even now in most educational institutions newcomers are subjected to some teasing and innocent chaffing. Hardly anyone would mind imitating a donkey or favourite film star to afford some fun and laughter to the onlookers. But in some colleges, specially the professional institutes, ragging is not confined to such mild forms. No sane person can call fun to make a fresher walk on the ledge of a building and ask him to jump off. Nor can find anything amusing in asking a girl to strip in public. The boy fell off the wall and suffered irreparable injuries and the girl went through untold mental agony. Is it possible that such experiences would make them feel at home in their new environs and build a strong bond with their seniors? Obviously no. what it does, instead is to blight a bright career or even end it altogether as the victim is driven to suicide. And yet, this sadistic form of behaviour is gaining ground in many of our institutions. A savage barbaric practice R. K. Narayan once compared this kind of response on the part of a senior towards a newcomer to the behaviour of a wolf pack which falls upon a new arrival in their territory and dismembers it. It is a manifestation of the beastly instincts that lurks below the surface of the seemingly civilised man. In a way, ragging is a reflection of the kind of society that exists today. Aping the West in so many ways and so indiscriminately the Indian youth has taken to ragging too. Ragging once rampant in the West is now on the wane there. But then, just as we are ready to accept obsolete technology from the West we adopt their decadent practices as well even if they have discarded them. It is not just imitating the West however that is responsible for the growth of sadistic forms of ragging. The problem has psychological and socio-cultural roots. Society today is beset by the competitive urgent high population and low employment prospects there is a nightmarish scramble for the jobs available. Children are urged from a very early age to study and do well. And at the school leaving stage tension grips the children and parents alike as the future course of action has to be decided. In the constant race to do better the childs mind is overburdened and somewhere along the line there is a sad loss of sensitivity imaginative impulse and sense of proportion. The less said of values the better; the goals that society strives for are power and pelf by hook or by crook. In this milieu an adolescent mind is ruined. Why is it that ragging takes the most atrocious forms in our premier elite institutions such as the IITs? .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 , .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .postImageUrl , .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 , .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:hover , .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:visited , .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:active { border:0!important; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:active , .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968 .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7d0250b8c7d38f952f3ff5ea01112968:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: It seems that there is an ever-increasing trend in EssayThe best brains and brilliant minds are there; but most of them have reached that status because of the goading of ambitious parents and most of them are haunted by the spectre of failing in the social rat race. All this may be expected to induce more hard work, but curiously enough it does not. What happens instead is the development of a warped mind torn by resentment at the constant goading and a deep wish to defy it and the tension born of the continuous effort to maintain a winning lead in the heartless competition. The frustrations and helpless anger strive to get out and find an easy outlet in the form of sadistic ragging of a newcomer who is weak and vulnerable. We are living in an increasingly violent society, violent not merely in action but in mental attitudes as well. Images of bloodshed and terror confront on all side, making us lose our sense of horror at violence. Nobody is particularly conscious of what is decent and what is indecent. Cultural values have got confused and eroded. And in the total emphasis on academic proficiency, humane ideals, beauty and taste have been sidetracked if not completely discarded. Vulgar ragging is only an offshoot of this chaotic world in which there is a vacuum of values and meaningful outlet for energy and creativity. If this obnoxious phenomenon has to be stopped it is clear that our educational pattern has to change; our socio-cultural decadence has to be reversed. Sensitivity to human and social problems must be inculcated in our youth and their imaginative creativity given a change to develop along constructive channels. This, of course, call for a sea-change of attitudes in the adults-the parents and the teachers and the leaders of society. Long-term efforts have to be however supplemented by immediate firm seps to toward the practice of ragging. Merely banning it on paper is meaningless if that ban is not seriously implemented. It is disturbing that most wardens of hostels, which are more deeply affected by the malaise and professors tend to turn a blind eye on incidents of ragging, almost defending it or at least excusing it on various grounds. And if the perpetrators are caught there is an unwillingness to blight a bright academic career by suspension or expulsion. Academic brilliance is surely no excuse or compensation for inhumane behaviour. Indeed, this knowledge that they will go scoot free further breeds an arrogance in the students which is the very antithesis of wholesome education. Incidents of ragging must be firmly dealt with and the situation more carefully monitored by the authorities as well as right-minded students themselves. To an extent, ragging is part of a vicious circle. One batch of students experiences it and when it is in a position to hand it out. It cannot resist the impulse. It is immaterial that those on whom revenge is being taken are innocent of the original crime. Nor does anyone want to realise that two wrongs do not make a right. At some point of time, a spoke has to be put in that vicious wheel; one batch of students has to be wise that first time. A cooperative effort is required to solve the problem. However one considers it ragging in the form that is prevalent today is an obnoxious practice. The brave attempts to defend it, it is all in good fun, no one really minds, it helps one to grow up have a hollow ring in the face of stark reality: the trauma experienced by the victim and suicides that have been its end products. It is high time that practice is firmly curbed.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Juidical Review Essays - Supreme Court Of The United States
Juidical Review In 1717, Bishop Hoadly told King George I, "Whoever hath an absolute authority to interpret written or spoken laws; it is he who is truly the lawgiver to all intents and purposes and not the person who wrote or spoke them (Pollack, 153)." Early sentiments similar these have blossomed in to a large scale debate over which branch of our government has the power to overturn laws that do not follow the foundations of our democratic system; the constitution. In this paper I will discuss the history of judicial review in respect to the U.S. Supreme Court, but more importantly, I will discuss the impact that judicial review has had on the Supreme Court and our system of government and the various arguments behind this power that the Supreme Court now possesses. The first instance that the Supreme Court showed its power under the cloak of judicial review was in the legendary case of Marbury v. Madison. In the confusion of leaving office, President John Adams failed to have delivered four commissions which he had made before having to surrender his power to Thomas Jefferson. In fact, the responsibility of delivering the commissions was left in the hands of John Marshall, the former Secretary of State under Adams, who was now the chief justice of the Supreme Court. When Jefferson took office, he refused to have the commissions delivered, and the case was filed by Marbury and the three other marshals that failed to receive their commissions. As the Chief Justice, Marshall wrote the opinion of the court by answering three questions concerning the case; did Marbury have a right to the commission, did Marbury have a remedy to receive the commission, and was a writ of mandamus the proper remedy to receive the commission. Marshall answ! ered yes to the first two questions, but said that the Supreme Court could not give him the commission he was entitled to through a writ of mandamus. Through this decision, Marshall not only asserted the power of the court with judicial review, but avoided a potentially devastating confrontation with the presidency in the early years of our fledgling government. Marshall was able to establish the judiciary's role in our government with this decision by answering the question that if the courts do not have this power, who does. The significance of the Marbury v. Madison decision is far reaching. Before the 1803 decision, the court had never really been a factor in our government, so much that the 1802 session was terminated by President Jefferson. The case established the Supreme Court's authority to review and strike down governmental actions that did not follow the Constitution. Marshall believed that although the framers of the Constitution did not explicitly write the power of judicial review into the constitution, it was what the framers intended. I will discuss this argument in greater detail later. After the Marbury v. Madison decision, the Marshall court enjoyed a new found power, but rarely found occasion to use it since most of the cases that were heard were rather trivial private law disputes. However, the court was able to hand down a number of important opinions interpreting various aspects of the Constitution. After Marshall's death in 1835, Roger B. Taney ascended to the chief justiceship. Taney, unlike Marshall, was a Jacksonian Democrat, and a strong supporter of President Jackson and his view of state's rights. It was Taney who passed down the infamous 1857 decision in Dredd Scott v. Sandford, which displayed the court's belief that blacks had no real Constitutional status and that the court strongly supported state's rights. Furthermore, the Dredd Scott decision worsened conditions for nationalists, and inevitably pushed our nation closer to civil war. After the war had ended, the court again found itself busy with a large caseload due to the many commercial and private disputes raised by the war. Chief justices Salmon Chase and Morrison Waite helped to reestablish Congressional power over the defeated South, but had little chance to use its power of judicial review during this time or repair. The close of the war brought the Industrial Revolution and new found problems to our country and government. Two questions which found their way before the Supreme Court were whether or not Congress Juidical Review Essays - Supreme Court Of The United States Juidical Review In 1717, Bishop Hoadly told King George I, "Whoever hath an absolute authority to interpret written or spoken laws; it is he who is truly the lawgiver to all intents and purposes and not the person who wrote or spoke them (Pollack, 153)." Early sentiments similar these have blossomed in to a large scale debate over which branch of our government has the power to overturn laws that do not follow the foundations of our democratic system; the constitution. In this paper I will discuss the history of judicial review in respect to the U.S. Supreme Court, but more importantly, I will discuss the impact that judicial review has had on the Supreme Court and our system of government and the various arguments behind this power that the Supreme Court now possesses. The first instance that the Supreme Court showed its power under the cloak of judicial review was in the legendary case of Marbury v. Madison. In the confusion of leaving office, President John Adams failed to have delivered four commissions which he had made before having to surrender his power to Thomas Jefferson. In fact, the responsibility of delivering the commissions was left in the hands of John Marshall, the former Secretary of State under Adams, who was now the chief justice of the Supreme Court. When Jefferson took office, he refused to have the commissions delivered, and the case was filed by Marbury and the three other marshals that failed to receive their commissions. As the Chief Justice, Marshall wrote the opinion of the court by answering three questions concerning the case; did Marbury have a right to the commission, did Marbury have a remedy to receive the commission, and was a writ of mandamus the proper remedy to receive the commission. Marshall answ! ered yes to the first two questions, but said that the Supreme Court could not give him the commission he was entitled to through a writ of mandamus. Through this decision, Marshall not only asserted the power of the court with judicial review, but avoided a potentially devastating confrontation with the presidency in the early years of our fledgling government. Marshall was able to establish the judiciary's role in our government with this decision by answering the question that if the courts do not have this power, who does. The significance of the Marbury v. Madison decision is far reaching. Before the 1803 decision, the court had never really been a factor in our government, so much that the 1802 session was terminated by President Jefferson. The case established the Supreme Court's authority to review and strike down governmental actions that did not follow the Constitution. Marshall believed that although the framers of the Constitution did not explicitly write the power of judicial review into the constitution, it was what the framers intended. I will discuss this argument in greater detail later. After the Marbury v. Madison decision, the Marshall court enjoyed a new found power, but rarely found occasion to use it since most of the cases that were heard were rather trivial private law disputes. However, the court was able to hand down a number of important opinions interpreting various aspects of the Constitution. After Marshall's death in 1835, Roger B. Taney ascended to the chief justiceship. Taney, unlike Marshall, was a Jacksonian Democrat, and a strong supporter of President Jackson and his view of state's rights. It was Taney who passed down the infamous 1857 decision in Dredd Scott v. Sandford, which displayed the court's belief that blacks had no real Constitutional status and that the court strongly supported state's rights. Furthermore, the Dredd Scott decision worsened conditions for nationalists, and inevitably pushed our nation closer to civil war. After the war had ended, the court again found itself busy with a large caseload due to the many commercial and private disputes raised by the war. Chief justices Salmon Chase and Morrison Waite helped to reestablish Congressional power over the defeated South, but had little chance to use its power of judicial review during this time or repair. The close of the war brought the Industrial Revolution and new found problems to our country and government. Two questions which found their way before the Supreme Court were whether or not Congress
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sparta is better than Athens
Sparta is better than Athens Ancient Greece's physical boundaries (mountains) secluded individual cities. This isolation led to the development of city-states. Each city-state was very patriotic. This led to extreme rivalries. The best example of these rivalries is the one between the city-states of Athens and Sparta. Fierce competition paved the way for constant warring between the two states. During times of war the number one priority for the government is to protect its people. Democratic Athens did not provide the basic needs for its people. Athens focused on its arts and entertainment. Spartans oligarchy protected its people by centering their society on military. Sparta was better because it was stable and protected its people. To prove that Sparta was better than Athens this essay will discuss the conflicting focuses of each government and how Sparta met the needs of her people in a time period of war.The Athenian government did not suit the needs of its people during war-time.Ruins of Ancient Sparta, Gr eece.In 700bc landowners gained power, increasing the size of peasantry. Athens did not have enough land for the peasants to survive on. So they set up colonies around the Mediterranean. Athenian colonies traded with each other and became exceptionally rich. Instead of infusing the money into their army, it was spent on arts, building projects and athletics. After the Peloponnesian War, Athenian domination was instilled. This bothered the surrounding Greek city-states and Sparta led an attack to end Athenian superiority. In 404bc The Spartan army easily conquered ill equipped Athens. In Athenian democracy 400 nobles proposed laws and an assembly of 500 hundred accepted the laws. This assembly consisted of everyday working class men. The more time these men spent away from their jobs the less money they made. This posed a drag on the economy. Also the assembly of 500 was meaningless...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
AnnouncingAccepted - The PrepScholar College Admissions Podcast
AnnouncingAccepted - The PrepScholar College Admissions Podcast SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you love our strategy guides, we have great news: PrepScholar is launching a college admissions podcast! It's hosted by PrepScholar co-founder and Harvard grad Allen Cheng and writer Melissa Brinks. Download our podcast now at iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, and Libsyn (or wherever you get your podcasts). In our first season, which will be ten episodes long, we’ll be covering the foundations of a strong college application- how to make a college list, what SAT/ACT score is high enough, and how to maintain a good GPA with strong coursework throughout high school. Our goal in the podcast is to have an engaging conversation about college applications, in ways that are more approachable than our world-famous online strategy guides. Better yet, we’ll be taking real questions from our listeners about each topic and answering them on the show itself. So if you've ever wanted your questions answered by PrepScholar co-founder Allen Cheng, submit your questions to Our first three episodes of Season 1 are already available through iTunes,Spotify, Stitcher,Google Play, andLibsyn. We’ll be releasing new episodes every two weeks, with new questions from students like you every episode. Enjoy, and send us your burning questions!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
History Paper on the Portrayal of Women in Advertising Research
History on the Portrayal of Women in Advertising - Research Paper Example In this context, it can be stated that portrayal of women in advertising is nothing new. The gender-based advertisement has shown a growing trend and has become more diverse over the years. It is a known fact that repetitive themes shown in advertisement influence the perception of people and society to a great extent. The mode of advertisement using media and print media such as magazines has shown profound transition over centuries. Notwithstanding, it is often argued that the role of women in advertising are much narrower than that of men. In this regard, many scholars have claimed that advertising characters of women are portrayed as subordinates to men and in a passive role. Sexual portrayal and sexuality has been used in advertisement since long. The gender stereotype was clearly visible earlier centuries and the role of women in advertising profoundly affected the perception of society towards women (Jacobson and Mazur 75-82). Historically, women in advertising had been represented as a sex object and had been subject to widespread exploitation. Besides, gender biases and racial biases were clearly apparently in the historical context with respect to women advertising. The image of women during the earlier centuries particularly in 19the century extremely suffered in the society due to objectification as well as sexism. It is evident that women are used in advertisement and their image is sometimes manipulated and distorted in order to promote women as a stereotype sex object. This is again due to the fact that women were given no power in the earlier days. The theme of using women as a sexual object initiated in the year 1850 when women were used and exposed to sell the product. For instance, the portrayal of nude women for the sale of tobacco in the 1850’s was normal due to the perception and mindset of people. Gender role was high in the initial years when advertisement through television or mag azines initiated. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Criminal justice - Essay Example As an account to the shaking history of humanitarian catastrophes as well as undoubtedly horrifying awakening to the 20th century in the face of the events leading to World’s FIRST WORDL WAR and the events following it, this article will look into the region most recently in headlines for its problems coming undisturbed straight from the time of start of the century, the BALKANS. The rest of the article also discusses the phenomenon that has now deeply rooted itself in the labyrinths of our minds as an everlasting memory which is being refreshed time and again by the terrorists. We will also look into the impact of the fall of soviet unionand its effect on global terrorism.Balkans is the transit of civilization. It is seen as a connection between three great cultures, the Asian, European and the African culture. And when we have such a strategic and delicate place to be living in, there are bound to be some rifts and discontent among the people who don’t recognize themselves with respect to the region of their birth. Anything can happen right from local interests up to the global interests fighting for the domination over the whole area. And whenever we have wars resulting from the rift, we have political fragmentation and making more states. The initial ottoman empire that was thrown out of the power by the mutual wars that the surrounding countries exercised upon it could not stand up from there and was thrown out along with its rich and ancient culture (along with its historical domination with respect to culture, people and the heir). ... Separation , cruelty and hatred between small ethnic groups developed end of 18th and 19th century because that was the time when the European power: the balance between Russian and Turkish powers was very important and the small Balkan nation demanding its own authority was not given a thought and expectations from Europe to decide upon some conclusion was depressing. The Balkan word is of Turkish origin meaning rocky mountains and this area consists of five states namely Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania. The geographical condition Criminal justice 4 of Balkans divides the east from the west Europe. The Balkans is under equipped in terms of communication it is cut off from Adriatic coast, lacks fertile land and the people of the area are separated and there is a tendency towards social isolation and further complimented by divergent temperatures. The Balkan region is primarily dependent on agriculture and the industrialization is on a very small scale, and there is a scarce rainfall and larger density of population lives on cultivable land, which is very less. There is wide variety of languages, religions and races that contribute to political divisions and social schisms and historical events have resulted in perpetual minority problems. Due to this varied pedigree of people there was tension and rivalry among them but even after the balkan wars of 1912-1913, the concluding WWI peace treaties around 6 million people were under the permanent ethnic minority groups and these were the sources of tension and rivalries. Poor economic conditions have usually led to political instability, power politics and dictatorial regimes.[1] TERRORISM IN BALKANS Terrorism and the Balkan
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critique Paper Writing Tips Essay Example for Free
Critique Paper Writing Tips Essay It is imperative to understand what a critique paper really is. When your teacher asks you to write a critique, they are asking you to analyze and evaluate, and not just summarize. A critique is rather an essay or article that criticizes literary or other work e.g. a movie. Make sure you are completely familiar with the book/movie/piece of art before critiquing it. A critique answers the few questions of how? why? and how well? A critique does not mean criticizing the work in a negative sense but rather interpreting it as you see it. It usually combines both positive and negative. †¢ The first step to take is to analyze the piece of work. Discuss the author’s main point of view and his purpose. See who is he performing for i.e. who is his audience. What arguments does the author use to support his main point and what evidence does he cite. Check for any underlying biases or assumptions in the work that the author produces. †¢ Next, you need to evaluate the author’s ideas.You need to see whether the argument he provides is logical, and the facts provided accurate. There might be jargon present in a book, so the author should have defined it and explained it or even in other works, important terms should be defined. You should check the authenticity of facts and sources cited and whether there is a sufficient amount of it. †¢ Lastly, you need to plan and write your critique. You should do this in standard essay form. In the first paragraph, you need to introduce the topic, state the thesis, make a plot summary, and give your readers a clue of what they are to expect. An introduction also includes the background of the piece of work that you are going to critique. For a book, write the name of the author and a bit of information about them that pertains to the argument. A movie introduction includes the director, the basic theme, and the names of the main actors. An art critique would include basic information on the painter and the work that you are going to examine, as well as basic features of this certain work such as its title, the art materials that have been used, and its location. In the second part of the critique i.e. the main body, start into the story. In this part, you will have to introduce the characters, setting, and give a lot of detail. Bring out the author’s important points and evaluate whether the evidence provided by the author supports his point of view. Break the thesis and different parts of the story into separate points and examine each point separately. A very important thing that will strengthen all your arguments is giving real examples from the piece of work you are using. Conclude the critique paper with really critiquing the piece of work i.e. the good and bad, and how it made you feel. Answer any questions you raised along the way and make the final statement about the piece of work.
Friday, November 15, 2019
An Analysis of Neil Young’s Pono Music Player Essay -- Pono Music Play
Introduction The researcher’s objective in this paper is to address the issue of the compromise that has been occurring throughout the years, wherein music producers are forced to present material to their audience in simplified, compressed forms. In particular, the researcher would like to dissect Neil Young’s most current innovation – the Pono music player, and analyze whether or not its attempts at aiding this audiophiliac dilemma poses potential success. The researcher also aims to look at whether or not the general public presents a need for this type of product, seeing as there are numerous portable music players already accessible on the market. Over the course of several decades, the engineer’s mind has proven adamant in its attempts at producing and delivering high-fidelity music to the general public. Canadian musician, Neil Young identifies with this statement as he reveals his latest addition to the gallery of high-resolution music players – the Pono music player. With numerous products containing a similar concept available in the market, Young and the investors of this project are faced with the question of whether or not there is a need for another device of this nature, and whether or not the general public recognizes the same musical dilemma of having to listen compromised-quality audio. â€Å"Pono†takes its name from the Hawaiian term for â€Å"righteous†or â€Å"goodness.†In a speech Canadian singer/song-writer, Neil Young gave during the 2014 South By Southwest Festival in Texas, he explains that Pono is potentially a great way to serve music to an artist’s audience in the best quality possible: the quality in which producer wishes for it to be heard. The body of literature on management of technology and inno... ... Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. . Baldwin, Y. C. The Architecture of Platforms: A Unified View. In Platforms, Markets and Innovation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Limited, 2009. Print. Den Uijl, Simon, Henk J. de Vries, and Deniz Bayramoglu. "The rise of MP3 as the market standard: how compressed audio files became the dominant music format." International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 11.1 (2013): 1+. J Josephson, I. "NPD Music Year in Review. J." (2005): In Proceedings of the NARM. n. pag. 04 Apr. 2005. Web. Langlois, R.N., and P.L. Robertson. "Networks and Innovation in a Modular System: Lessons from the Microcomputer and Stereo Component Industries." Research Policy, 21, 297-313. Doi:10.1016/00487333(92)90030-8., 1992. Web.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Unequal Distribution of Power
Marxist speaks about the unequal distribution of power and wealth and resources in a society. They believe the ones with the resources in a society. They believe that the ones with the resources are the ones oppressing those without those resources. Marxist links their theory to deviance by saying because some have access to fewer resources in the Capitalist society they are seen as more likely to commit crime. Marxist speaks about the upper classes using their power influence and their wealth to hide their crimes and deviant behaviours.They buy their way out of trouble by hiring attorneys and using bribes. Marxist thought to argue that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political in nature. They rejected the idea that deviance is ‘determined’ by factors such as biology, personality, anomie, social disorganization or labels. Rather they argued, individuals actively choose to engage in deviant behaviour respond to the inequalities of the capitalist system. Because this is so, they set up a system where there is something such as social control agents these are they who administer the response to deviance such as police and the army.Although the oppressed groups in society (proletariat) may behave or act deviant, whether or not they do they are more likely to be labelled deviant. For instance in Trinidad there is some communities that are seen as or labelled as deviant places because of its crime rate. Although, not everyone living there are criminals are categorized or group together with that so called deviant community. For instance someone who lives in Lavantille may go to an interview has all the qualifications but because he/ she resides there they may not be ‘‘qualified’’ for the job.The other social classes are not crime-free, the ruling groups in society develop means and mechanisms to protect their interest according to conflict theorist who argue that laws are created protect and sustain the capitalist. Alt hough the public seems to think that the lower classes are more likely commit crime, white-collar workers also commit many crimes. White collar criminal activity in Trinidad and Tobago, though hardly ever reported is not un-noticed. It exists at various levels of society both in the public and private sector.However, the merits or demerits of any allegation of wrongdoings made are hardly ever thoroughly investigated, and almost never comes before a criminal court. It is instead ascribed to poor corporate governance rather than deliberate criminal acts. The police or some rather of this small Caribbean island of Trinidad are very corrupt they will commit wrongful doings of all kind and yet still walk freely like it is normal. It is indeed true that they are protected by their own kind.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Engine Lab Report
Engine Lab Report Diesel Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |121. 6 |17. 5 |3018 |26. 6 |130. 16 |2. 47 |52. 7 |4. 5 |0. 019 | |80 |94. 72 |17. 5 |3009 |26. 7 |130. 14 |3. 17 |41. 05 |8. 97 |0. 059 | |125 |72. 76 |17 |3009 |26. 8 |128. 25 |4. 12 |31. 13 |14. 02 |0. 111 | |171 |56. 95 |17 |3000 |26. 9 |128. 23 |5. 72 |24. 33 |19. 12 |0. 161 | |212 |46. 06 |16. 5 |3006 |27. 1 |126. 28 |6. 51 |19. 40 |23. 6 |0. 202 | |232 |41. 20 |17 |3010 |27. 2 |128. 16 |7. 28 |17. 60 |26. 03 |0. 216 | | Petrol Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |285 |2 |3000 |26. 8 | 42. 50 | 3. 19 | 13. 32 | 4. 47 |0. 014 | |109 |191 |7 |3000 |27. 4 | 79. 44 | 4. 77 | 6. 65 |12. 19 |0. 072 | |160 |160 |8 |2950 |28. 2 | 84. 81 | 5. 69 | 14. 91 |17. 60 |0. 125 | |248 |110. 5 |14 |3000 |28 . 2 | 112. | 8. 24 | 13. 62 |27. 74 |0. 215 | |313 |93. 56 |20 |3000 |28. 3 | 145. 4 | 9. 73 | 14. 94 |35. 01 |0. 290 | |374 |71. 81 |27 |3000 |28. 4 | 168. 9 | 12. 68 | 13. 32 |41. 83 |0. 317 | | [pic] Fig 1 [pic] Fig 2 From Fig 1, we know that air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is not changing much as the brake power increases, however for the diesel engine, the air-fuel ratio drops as the power increases. This is because the throttle which is situated in the air intake duct of the petrol engine.For the petrol engine, the combustion takes place in the whole cylinder, so the air-fuel ratio should be maintained to make sure the combustion to take place rapidly enough all the time. The throttle will adjust the air-fuel ratio. For the diesel engine, the combustion takes place around individual droplets of the fuel spray, therefore the output is related to the amount of fuel injected, and the air flow is not controlled. Fig 2 shows that the efficiency increases with the power for both engines, however the diesel engine reaches higher efficiency than the petrol engine.This is because, for the diesel engine, the input of the fuel is in the form of fuel spray. The compression of the fuel and air is avoided. This will make the maximum cylinder volume to minimum larger, and leads to higher efficiency. So, the petrol engine should be used in light vehicles because it is lighter than the diesel engine and it can reach higher power than the diesel engine which produces higher speed of the cars. And, the diesel engine should be used for the heavy vehicles, since it has higher efficiency. The heavy cars need to do more work, so the efficiency is more important to them. Engine Lab Report Engine Lab Report Diesel Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |121. 6 |17. 5 |3018 |26. 6 |130. 16 |2. 47 |52. 7 |4. 5 |0. 019 | |80 |94. 72 |17. 5 |3009 |26. 7 |130. 14 |3. 17 |41. 05 |8. 97 |0. 059 | |125 |72. 76 |17 |3009 |26. 8 |128. 25 |4. 12 |31. 13 |14. 02 |0. 111 | |171 |56. 95 |17 |3000 |26. 9 |128. 23 |5. 72 |24. 33 |19. 12 |0. 161 | |212 |46. 06 |16. 5 |3006 |27. 1 |126. 28 |6. 51 |19. 40 |23. 6 |0. 202 | |232 |41. 20 |17 |3010 |27. 2 |128. 16 |7. 28 |17. 60 |26. 03 |0. 216 | | Petrol Engine Load/N |Fuel Time/s |dH/mmH2O |Speed/r. p. m |Temp/? |Air consumption/kg/H |Fuel consumption/kg/H |Air-fuel ratio |Power/kw |Efficiency/ % | |40 |285 |2 |3000 |26. 8 | 42. 50 | 3. 19 | 13. 32 | 4. 47 |0. 014 | |109 |191 |7 |3000 |27. 4 | 79. 44 | 4. 77 | 6. 65 |12. 19 |0. 072 | |160 |160 |8 |2950 |28. 2 | 84. 81 | 5. 69 | 14. 91 |17. 60 |0. 125 | |248 |110. 5 |14 |3000 |28 . 2 | 112. | 8. 24 | 13. 62 |27. 74 |0. 215 | |313 |93. 56 |20 |3000 |28. 3 | 145. 4 | 9. 73 | 14. 94 |35. 01 |0. 290 | |374 |71. 81 |27 |3000 |28. 4 | 168. 9 | 12. 68 | 13. 32 |41. 83 |0. 317 | | [pic] Fig 1 [pic] Fig 2 From Fig 1, we know that air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is not changing much as the brake power increases, however for the diesel engine, the air-fuel ratio drops as the power increases. This is because the throttle which is situated in the air intake duct of the petrol engine.For the petrol engine, the combustion takes place in the whole cylinder, so the air-fuel ratio should be maintained to make sure the combustion to take place rapidly enough all the time. The throttle will adjust the air-fuel ratio. For the diesel engine, the combustion takes place around individual droplets of the fuel spray, therefore the output is related to the amount of fuel injected, and the air flow is not controlled. Fig 2 shows that the efficiency increases with the power for both engines, however the diesel engine reaches higher efficiency than the petrol engine.This is because, for the diesel engine, the input of the fuel is in the form of fuel spray. The compression of the fuel and air is avoided. This will make the maximum cylinder volume to minimum larger, and leads to higher efficiency. So, the petrol engine should be used in light vehicles because it is lighter than the diesel engine and it can reach higher power than the diesel engine which produces higher speed of the cars. And, the diesel engine should be used for the heavy vehicles, since it has higher efficiency. The heavy cars need to do more work, so the efficiency is more important to them.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Explain the Determinants of Personality Essays
Explain the Determinants of Personality Essays Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Ans. Personality is the outcome of a continuous personal quality development process. The role of personality becomes clear in a particular situation. Personality is recognised in a situation. It is the result of personal quality interaction in a particular condition. The major determinants of personality of an individual are given below: Biological Factors Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be either completely or substantially influenced by who your parents were; that is, by their biological, physiological, and inherent psychological makeup. The contribution of heredity to personality development is vividly clear for developing external appearance, behaviour, social stimuli, self inner awareness, organising traits, etc. Brain: Brain has a great impact on personality. The psychologists are unable to prove empirically the contribution of human brain in influencing personality. Father and children generally adopt the same type of brain stimulation. The differences are caused by environment. Electrical stimulation of brain (ESB) and split brain psychology (SBP)are the outcome of genetic transmision. The are helpful in moulding employees behaviour. ESB is used for motivating employees towards better performances. Managers are trained to use SBP for mobilising employees for proper behaviour. Physical Features: Perhaps the most outstanding factor that contributes to personality is the physical stature of an individual. An individuals external appearance is proved to be having a tremendous effect on personality. For example, the fact that a person is short or tall, fat or thin, handsome or ugly, black or whitish will undoubtedly influence the persons effect on others and in turn will affect the self-concept. A persons physical characteristics may be related to his approach to the social environment, to the expectancies of others, and to their reactions, to him. These in turn may have impact on personality development. Environment Cultural Factors: The accepted norms of social behaviour are known as culture. Culture was traditionally considered as the major determinant of an individuals personality. The way in which people behave with others and the driving force of such functions are considered significant components of culture. The ideology of the culture is imitated by the following generations. The personality attributes of independence, aggression, competition and cooperation are the outcomes of cultural interaction. Religion: Religion plays a significant role in shaping ones personality. Hindus have different personalities from those of Sikhs and Muslims. Children in Hindu societies learn from the very beginning about hard work and god-fearing attitudes. Christians are open, independent, and cooperative. Family: Children learn from their parents, sisters and brothers. amily is the first factor affecting personality development, after hereditary characteristics are endowed. Rich people have different personalities from those of poor. Children nurtured under a warm, loving environment are positive and active as compared to children neglected by their parents. Parental Influences: The positive and negative personalities of children are dependent on their parents characteristics and mutual behaviour. Childr en develop negative personalities if their parents dont have good relationship. Proper parental guidance to children makes them active and efficient. Situation Situation further influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality. A individuals personality, while generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations. Different demands in different situations call forth different aspects of ones personality. It has been observed that many arrogant and indisciplined employees become humble and disciplined in a particular situation. Those having a criminal background may become powerful and strong administrators, dominant politicians, etc.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
49 Tips on How to Cheat at College
49 Tips on How to Cheat at College 49 Tips on How to Cheat at College Do you remember that frigging fear, when you enter your class to take a test and understand that you remember nothing on the subject? You may have missed the classes or spent a previous night out, so there wasn’t enough time to study. Or you just wanted to relax and spend your time in a better way. In all such cases, you may want to cheat to save yourself and not to worsen your grades. We have collected 49 tips on how to save you from a disastrous test and help to sleep better at night. If you think that you are the only one to cheat, relax! According to the latest study, over 60% of all the students cheat in the class. Ask a friend. This one is probably the most popular way of cheating and only requires a reliable friend, who will be willing to assist you. Provide him with all the necessary notes and make sure he has internet connection to be able to get all the information fast. You will only need to text him a message with a question and wait for an answer; Use an earpiece. If you like spy movies, you will definitely like this method. Just buy an earpiece with a Bluetooth and record lectures beforehand. You will be able to listen to them and extract all the necessary information; Take a bottle with you. Make small notes and put them inside the wrapper. You can open them any time and no one will understand that your bottle is not for drinking! Classical method. You can make notes on any item you are allowed to take to the test. This can be a calculator, a ruler or an index card. You can use it any time you need and your professor won’t suspect anything; Order online. This type of an assistance is applicable for written tests, like essays or reports. You can hire an online writing company and give them all the details of the task. Then you will only need to check it on plagiarism to make sure it is original and memorize the paper before the test; Use your arms. You can make notes on your hand and a forearm, covering them with a sleeve. In such a way, no one will notice it and you will easily get access to the information any time you need; Take a mechanical pencil with you. This one is a simple trick: write down the notes on a tiny sheet of paper, roll it and put inside the barrel; Look at your neighbor’s work. Make sure he has excellent skills on the topic, as you may fail if rewriting answers of someone, who is also not good at the subject; Search online. If you can pull out your smartphone in the class, just type the request in your browser and get all the information you need. You can also go to the bathroom and find all the data; Stretch a rubber band and write down all the notes you may need. When it gets back to its usual size, there won’t be any trace of the notes and you will only need to stretch it again if you need help; Ask for a sample. If your friend or any other student is holding a test before you, ask him to make a photo of the test. You will be able to prepare the answers or learn them by heart before starting the test on your own; Buy a smart watch. You can make all the notes on your smartphone and simply link it with a smart watch. In such a way, you can ‘check the time’ and get all the information you may need; Make a hole in your eraser and put notes inside; Take a bigger eraser and write all the answers on it. If professor is approaching, simply erase the answers with a smaller one; Learn while sleeping. Play an audio version of the lectures, while you are asleep. Scientists say that you will remember all the information and will be able to use it any time you need; Print a mini-book. Type all the notes, print them and cut small squares, making a sort of a booklet; Take an mp3 pen, which contains all the information you may need; Just put all the notes you need to the inside of the hat; Write down the notes on the inside of your hat and put it on your table. Consult your hat any time you need assistance; Use a rubber part of the shoes to make all the notes and use it, when you need to get the answers; Get a partner. Cooperate with another student and share answers. Two heads may be much better than one! Look for clues. Look around as if you are thinking about something and try to search for the answers. There may be posters with diagrams or data on the walls of your classroom; Go to the bathroom. Excuse yourself as if you need to pee and simply use your phone or consult a friend to get all the answers you need; Put your thighs together and place all the notes between them. Your professor will never suspect that you are holding notes there! Use the ‘sneezing system’. Partner with a friend, who can make sneezes with the answers. For example ‘be-choo’ for an answer ‘B’; Learn one half of the test and leave the second one to your friend. Sit near to each other on a test and share the answers. This is a great way to get excellent grades without spending too much time over books; Use gestures with a friend to share the answers. You may even learn a basic sign language; For advanced students, there is a ‘morse code’. For example, one tap goes to the answer ‘A’, two taps for ‘B’ and so on; Wear a tie and use its back to hide all the necessary notes; Take a gum with you and put the answers inside of its wrapper; A belt buckle calculator. Yes, you heard it! If you are not allowed to take a calculator to the class, you may use the one, which is hidden in the buckle of a belt; Write down all the answers you need on a bookmark, placed in your textbook. Replace it with the next one if necessary; Pretend that you are using a calculator on your smartphone and consult the notes instead; Light inks. Use them to make notes on the index cards and your tutor won’t see them; Replace the tests. This one is quite tricky but guarantees that you will get the highest grade. Ask your friend to take a photo of the test, print it at home and fill in all the answer to pass at the classroom; Consult Wikipedia. You can download their app or simply enter the website from your browser. It is a perfect place to get brief information on a subject; Another favorite trick for all the lovers of spy movies is to buy an ink for a black light and take it with you to the class; Use a skirt. Hide all the notes under your skirt and your tutor won’t be able to check whether you have any hidden answers. Unfortunately, this is an option only for the girls; Buy a see-through pen and put all your notes inside of it; Make all the notes on a small sheet of paper and put them inside the case of your calculator. Any time your professor is approaching, close the case; Take an electronic dictionary, which contains all the notes you need. Most professors mistakenly take such dictionaries for a calculator; Make pictures of the study materials and open them on your phone at the class or while you are in the bathroom; Use an invisible ink to make notes on your desk. Any time you need answers, you will only have to use an ultraviolet light and no one will suspect anything; Put a blank sheet of paper over the one, which contains the answers. Put it aside if you need access to the notes or return to its place if the tutor is approaching; Contact anyone, who is online via various messaging apps or social media and ask for help. It will be even better if you can do it in a hall or in a bathroom; Buy spyglasses, which play the video of the notes or a textbook. This is quite a costly option but definitely one of the coolest ones; Reproduce your ‘cheat sheet’ with a laser pen. However, you should be sitting on the back row of the class; If you are assigned to complete a written assignment but you are running out of time, you can artificially increase the margins, fonts, spaces and so on; Learn! Of course, cheating in the class is much simpler but you can take some time and study to get the highest scores without any harm. Use an appropriate and the most suitable way for a particular situation and you will surely get high grades and save your time to prepare for the test.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Happiness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Happiness - Research Paper Example In addition, the modern world fills our heads full of numerous distractions, many of which claim happiness can only be achieved after one has accomplished this material good or that status in life. In America, for example, people learn that happiness is what occurs when we have finally managed to claim ownership of a luxury car, a fine house and a stunning wardrobe to show off the tremendous body we’ve maintained, perhaps with the help of a personal trainer or skilled plastic surgeon. â€Å"To fulfill their dreams, Americans claim they need an annual income of $102,000†(Myers, 2000). According to Bolt (2004) and others, almost three-quarters of college freshmen feel being ‘very well-off financially’ to be a ‘very important’ or ‘essential’ goal in life (Bolt, 2004: 124). Other studies seem to indicate that our concept of happiness continues to change through life, so that what might have made us happy in the past will likely lose i ts ability to make us happy in the future (Diener & Diener, 2009). Although definitions of happiness and how to attain it may shift over time, research seems to link gaining happiness very strongly with the concept of adhering to a strongly identified sense of moral behavior. Within this discussion, it is important to understand that the concept of moral behavior as it is considered by philosophers does not merely constitute a choice between right and wrong behavior. The term â€Å"morality†is defined as a â€Å"moral quality or character; rightness or wrongness, as of an action†(Neufeldt & Goralnik, 1994: 882) and it is closely associated with the term â€Å"ethics†which is â€Å"the study of standards of conduct and moral judgment.†Even this much of an explanation is unclear, though, as terms such as â€Å"standards of conduct,†â€Å"moral judgment†and â€Å"moral character†have yet to be defined on a concrete level. These terms are potentially defined differently depending upon
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Problem of Studying Abroad Research Proposal
The Problem of Studying Abroad - Research Proposal Example The everyday living charges and some other education later funds may become known to the student only after he has experienced practical settlement into the foreign country. These hidden costs might inflate with the passage and it may not even be certain as to what their rate of inflation would be. The global uncertainty of economic conditions may be regarded as one of the pushing factors that result in this uncertainty of the situation. Incorporation The learning methods of the foreign country may be entirely different from those that have been followed by you in your educational system all your life. This might make incorporation into the foreign country’s learning setup difficult for the foreign students unless they are absolute geniuses. Diversity and Ethnicity Racial and ethnic discrimination may become a very grave issue for foreign students. If the ethnic background of the foreign student is targeted and is being mocked at by other students native to the foreign educational institution the learning environment becomes unbearable. Despite the understanding and open-mindedness of the twentieth century there have often been reported cases of ethnic discrimination against foreign students especially in areas like central London and Australia. Loneliness Staying away from home and family for months and often years is a very hard nut to crack. Students may be motivated enough to leave home for further studies but the hardships and settling compromises that they need to make in order to get adjusted into the new environment make them feel the worth of their native land and home. It is then that the foreign students feel really lonely and long for the helping hands that used to be always available for them back at their native homeland.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Compare 2 films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Compare 2 films - Essay Example An analysis of several scenes will illustrate these points. Ozu’s â€Å"Tokyo Story†tells the journey of an elderly couple to the city of Tokyo where they reunite with their children and grandchildren. Their children, however, don’t have the time to spend with them. A few days later, the elderly couple goes back home. The mother falls ill and eventually dies. After the funeral, the children return to Tokyo leaving their father alone. Kurosawa’s â€Å"Rashomon†, meanwhile, recounts the stories of four different persons about a murder that transpired in the woods. A wife is allegedly raped by a bandit while her husband is murdered. In a dilapidated house that bears the name â€Å"Rashomon†, a priest and a woodcutter relay the story to a commoner. All four stories mutually contradict one another. In the end, an abandoned baby is found at the dilapidated house. 2. Themes Ozu explores the consequences of generational gap in families. Children, on ce grown, will live their own lives and leave their parents behind. Parents, on the other hand, will wish that their children achieve success and live happy lives. As time passes by, parents and children grow emotionally apart. The once warm and caring relationships become cold and neglectful. Neither parents nor children are to be blamed in this situation; it’s just the way things are. ... Kurosawa, meanwhile, explores the subjective nature of reality and the human tendency to embellish one’s positive characteristics and conceal those that are unattractive. Reality, as the film portrays, is a matter of interpretation. One event can be viewed and looked at from different perspectives creating a myriad of meanings out of it. The ultimate and absolute truth of something, therefore, can never be realized. This applies to human beings as well. People choose to believe what they please. Their perception is always influenced by motives both good and bad. 3. Stylistic Analysis Mise-en-scene. This refers to the composition of a scene which include the setting, lighting, costumes, and actor’s gestures, to name a few. Ozu’s mise-en-scene is constructed with utmost control and filled with telling details. The teapots, cups, or slippers are all there for a reason. Each tells a story of its own (eg. slippers lying at the elderly couple’s door at the spa). In â€Å"Rashomon†, the mise-en-scene gives emphasis on nature. Most of the time, the actors are shot beneath the shadows of trees and leaves revealing both their good and bad nature. The sometimes hysterical and animalistic acting of the wife and bandit show how strongly they held to their perception of the event. It seems like they’re trying hard to conceal their bad nature. Cinematography. This refers to the distance and movement of the camera, and the framing and duration of shots. Ozu often utilizes long and medium shots which show entire landscapes, actors in full body or waist up, and the space/background where the actors move around. Close-ups which emphasize facial features and emotions are never used. The camera moves only once
Monday, October 28, 2019
Teaching And Learning In The Digital Age Education Essay
Teaching And Learning In The Digital Age Education Essay Preparing learners for the demands of the 21st century requires committed, innovative teachers willing to push existing restrictions. It is also about effectively using the emerging technologies to enhance teaching and learning strategies. The unique and rapid changes happening in this field present various problems for teachers who are willing to experiment with their teaching and learning, roles and responsibilities, learning atmosphere and situations, patterns of interaction, strategies and theories, as well as, modes of assessment. Integrating technology in education can range from replicating existing educational practices through digital media with technology as tools, to transforming education to bring about new learning goals. Incorporating technology in the classroom can bring significant and positive changes in the teaching-learning process but it is not at all easy as we have strong conventional educational practices in our education system and integrating ICT will demand for the innovative role of the teacher as facilitator of the learning to the active role of the learner. The present paper focuses its attention on the problems and issues of the classroom and teaching-learning process in the digital age as it wont be easy to break existing pedagogical practices and adapt new ones. The paper further proposes the ways through which ICT can be effectively incorporated in the classroom. The paper also talks about the changing role of the teacher as well as of the learner in the world of technology and suggests the ways through which teachers can be motivated to use technological tools in their teaching-learning process. Key Terms: Teaching, Learning, Digital Age. INTRODUCTION: Integrating technology in education is a complex issue taking many forms that differ in purpose. This can range from replicating existing educational practices through digital media with technology as tools, to transforming education to bring about new learning goals. Education is at the core of powerful and rapidly shifting educational, technological and political forces that will shape the structure of educational systems across the globe for the rest of this century. Many countries are engaged in a number of efforts to achieve changes in the teaching-learning process to prepare students for information and technology based society. The UNESCO World Education Report (1998) notes that the new technologies challenge traditional conceptions of both teaching and learning and, by reconfiguring how teachers and learners gain access to knowledge, have the potential to transform teaching and learning processes. ICTs provide a range of powerful tools that may help in transforming the presen t isolated, teacher-centered and text-bound classrooms into rich, student-focused, interactive knowledge environments. The digital age means we now have interactive tools for the classroom to go alongside our more usual set of ideas and activities. Technology is both part of the problem and part of the solution. The information revolution itself has been fuelled by the growth of the Internet networked society but this revolution also offers alternative approaches to access, process and share knowledge, significantly reducing the importance of memory and the retention of a vast subject knowledge base (Burden, 2010). There is no longer the essential for teachers to retain a comprehensive body of subject knowledge which they are expected to be able to access and repeat with accuracy and speed. Subject knowledge is less likely to be perceived as placed in the individual teacher but rather as a shared effort in which the learner is capable of re-constructing new knowledge, both by themselves and as part of a collaborative effort (Ellis, 2007). The passive 3 Rs replaced by the more dynamic 3 Cs of collaboration, creativity and communication. These features challenge the traditional basis for teaching in schools. TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS: Schools today serve and shape a world in which there can be great opportunity to grow if people can learn to work creatively and collaboratively. Yet, instead of fostering creativity and uniqueness, more and more school systems have become preoccupied with traditional curriculum uniformity and pedagogical practices. Schools and teachers have been bound into the web of test scores and achievement targets. By and large, our schools are preparing young people neither to work nor to live well in this digital age. Twenty-first century teaching is no longer about the four walls of the classroom. Technology has enlarged the area of teaching-learning process as learners have the reach to vast store of information i.e. internet and they have lots of queries for this reason. So, pedagogical practices should necessarily be changed and capable enough to provide opportunities to the learners to discover the answers. It is also a fact that teaching has always adapted to its circumstances methodologically and physically, moving from lecture to pair work and from translation to communication, for example. Likewise, teachers have always tried to make the best use of any materials that they could get their hands on from slate to whiteboards, from hand-written postcards to authentic magazine articles, from radio recordings through to DVDs. Fig. 1, Teaching-Learning in the Digital Age The absolute degree of human knowledge, globalization and the accelerating rate of change due to technology necessitates a shift in our childrens education- from merely knowing to continuous cycle of learning, thus demanding the total change in the teaching learning process which is currently based on rote learning and memory. Digital age has opened up the new dimensions to the learning which are not visible in our existing traditional school system. Twenty first century learning is more complex than ever before as it includes various skills that must be acquired by the learner. Figure 2 presents these skills: Fig. 2, Skills of 21st Century Learner The days of only using chalkboards and books in the teaching learning process have gone. Nowadays, there is video or audioà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ video interaction in childrens classrooms. Using the same skills used for centuries-analysis, synthesis, and evaluation-teachers now must look at digital literacy as another realm within which to apply elements of critical thinking. TEACHER IN THE DIGITAL AGE: In the recent years school education sector has realized that the teacher is the ultimate key to educational change and school effectiveness. The teachers do not merely deliver the curriculum, but they also develop, define and reinterpret. It is the task of teachers to tackle with the technology and to grow their learners to acquire skills of the 21st century. In the current scenario, the voice of the innovative teacher in the country is barely audible. This voice is rich in practice and experience and can aid us in understanding best suited pedagogical practices for learners. ICT has given new roles and responsibilities to the teacher. ICT challenges the existing authoritarian role of the teachers as the sole source of knowledge and information and demands to be themselves learner first. Teachers themselves need to learn the new way of learning, and in addition to new ways of helping others learn. This also means a massive shift in the role of the teacher and in all structural aspects of the school system. It can be a highlight for most of the teachers when they suddenly realize that they learned something by and for themselves, not just for next class tomorrow. Teachers are hardly ever asked what they already know and can do, what experiences they bring, which problems they would like to tackle. Such low expectations are set in their teacher education courses in university and more traditional professional development settings. Fig. 3, Roles Responsibilities of the Teacher in the Digital Age The greatest teachers teach naturally. It flows from them like a gentle rain; they cant help but teach. ICT is just another tool in the toolbox of a good teacher. ICT expects teachers to give the students middle stage in the classroom, providing opportunities to explore and inquire for their learning. Teachers should act as guides, facilitators and advisors, building linkages between their students individual interests and understandings and the common skills and knowledge society expects them to acquire. Teachers hold personal theories, cognitive constructs and guiding principles that determine their instructional decisions and technology integration. Teachers are reflective by nature and use their own systems of beliefs to pursue solutions to problems as determined by their contexts. ICT has made it relevant for a teacher to be a subject specialist, in addition be able to utilize the amazing power that computers offer. The real facts remain the same. The good teachers love and passion for their subject, whether it be art, poetry or geography, can and do enrich the childs learning experience. ICT enhances this enrichment, but it will be difficult to break the existing boundaries and to convince the teachers to play their new role. LEARNER IN THE DIGITAL AGE: Students in a traditional classroom are passive. They listen and react to the teachers direct instruction. NCF, 2005 also articulates that childrens voices and experiences do not find expression in the class. It further says that children will learn only in an atmosphere where they feel they are valued and our schools still do not convey this to all children. But ICT has changed the way students learn and the styles of learning they adopt. The learner today has multiple resources available to them. They are ahead of their teachers in using the technology and accessing information in various fields. They are less dependent on teachers and prescribed text books. They build upon their existing knowledge and derive their own meanings. It has provided them freedom and flexibility which was not available earlier. Learners have active, reflective role in this digital age. Todays children are growing up digital. Their view of the world is very different from that of adults, thanks to exceptional access to information, people, and ideas across highly interactive media. Todays children are the latest model of human being. Looking at the world of children is not looking backward at our own past-its looking ahead. They are our evolutionary future. But, it also proposes the biggest problem in the teaching-learning process in the present digital age. A common scenario today is a classroom filled with digitally literate students being taught by linearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ thinking, technologically obstructed teachers. Students have been exposed to these technologies or similar ones early on during their formative years while their teachers have just been exposed to it only recently. As a result, the students are sometimes more capable with the technology. In spite of this teachers are rarely given the chance to learn how to use this technologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ teachers are given the tools, but not the knowledge. Teachers increasingly are learning the technology on their own time. Students on the other are confident enough to use these technological advancements effectively and they even prefer it more on traditional methods of teaching and learning. Learners now have freedom to explore, discover and inquire whatever they want. ROLE OF ICT IN EDUCATION: Contemporary beliefs regarding learning have moved away from knowledge transmission models of simply imparting information to constructive knowledge models where knowledge is constructed. In the process of meaning making, technology is roped in to support the communication and construction of new knowledge resulting in new learning. Teachers want their learners to make their own decisions in future, enabling them to learn for themselves. The role of ICT in education can be seen as learning about, learning with and learning through ICT. ICT is used to liberate learners from the limitations of their physical environments due to inadequate infrastructure or lack of resources. ICT can mainly help in three areas that are as follows: Fig. 4, How ICT can help in the process of Teaching-Learning? Today ICT is an essential life skill in the same way as literacy and numeracy are. ICT provides an opportunity for economic development and is a requirement for employability. ICT is a tool for educational management that can improve teaching and learning. Teachers should utilize these technological advancements according to the particular context, pedagogy and activities during the lesson. Teachers need to be flexible to enough to use ICT. Use of ICT can create an interest among students which will result in learning at better pace and with ample opportunities to explore the answers to their various queries. But, it is not at all possible without changing the current traditional practices and roles that teachers and students are playing. CONCLUSION: ICT or digital age is the truth of our lives today which is unavoidable if one want to live, learn and move ahead in 21st century world. This digital age is a potentially liberating process freeing teachers and students from the acquisition and retention of information and enabling them to focus more on the creative processes of making connections and creating new paths which have meaning and purpose for the present time (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2000). ICT or digital age resources today offer great opportunities in education sector and especially to our schools for the beneficiary role they provide in information, learning and research. It clearly states that teachers should be digitally literate in order to use these ICT resources and tools. Existing traditional practices and roles necessarily be changed by the use of technology in the classroom. Teachers must be a facilitator and direct the students towards the right direction where as students should be provided with the freedom t o explore, discover and inquire. Resources should be made available to the schools in order to fulfill this objective and teachers must be educated digitally. It means, curriculum of teacher education will eventually be transformed into ICT based curriculum and exploratory pedagogical practices. ICT can enhance the teaching learning process and can make it more interactive than today. It will provide new dimensions to the learning as it will lead to autonomous learning. Constructivism will emerge as the new theory and technology will follow it in practice as it emphasizes on collaborative learning, real-world projects with authentic assessments with students accepting responsibility for their own learning. But all this will require internal inspiration and support system from our education system as well as the readiness to change and learn from everyone even from the students. Teacher training curriculum also need to be redesigned as teachers should themselves be learner and digita lly educated to be capable of using these ICT tools. REFRENCES: Anderson, L. and Krathwohl, D. (2000): Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Allyn Bacon: New York. Burden, K. (2010): Conceptualizing teachers professional learning with Web 2.0, Campus-Wide Information Systems 27, no. 3: 148-161.  Churchill, D. 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National Curriculum Framework (2005): National Council of Educational Research and Training: New Delhi. UNESCO World Education Report (1998): United Nation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Essay -- Crib Death SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or "crib death" is an abrupt and inexplicable death of an apparently healthy infant. Most of the cases involve infants from ages 1-12 months, and the event occurs during the night. Various theories have been postulated from research results but without consistency of the etiology. Since the death is sudden, prior diagnostic criteria or patterns are not available for correlation, although some near-miss infants have been followed. A number of possibilities have been documented in current literature, to include beta-endorphin changes, abnormal temperature regulation, pineal abnormalities, carotid body irregularities, lead poisoning, elevated fetal hemoglobin, brainstem immaturity, and cerebral hypoperfusion. The following is an overview of these pathologies in their relation to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. As with most physiological processes, several intermediate steps can lead to a certain event, thus making the mechanism more controlled. However, as more steps that are required, there arises a greater number of possible problems. SIDS is no exception. Most literature supports the view that victims of SIDS suffer a failure of the automatic control of respiration, producing periodic apnea and eventually death. Neural control of respiration involves three anatomical structures (Armstrong et al., 1982~. The first is the motor system, which contains the neurons which initiate and maintain respiration. These include the dorsal motor nucleus of the vague, the nucleus tractus solitarius, the nucleus ambiguous, the nucleus retro-ambiguous, the reticulo-spinal tracts in the anterior and lateral columns and the anterior horn cells of the cervical and thora... ...16:1122-1126, 1978. Koceard-Varo, G. The physiological role of the pineal gland as the masterswitch of life, turning on at birth breathing and geared to it the function of the autonomic nervous system. The cause of SIDS examined in this context. Medical Hypothesis, 34:122-126, 1991. Myer, E., Morris, D., et. al. Increased cerebrospinal fluid beta-endorphin immunoreactivity in infants with apnea and in siblings of victims of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. J. Pedia., 111:660-666, 1987. Quattrochi, J., McBride, P., and Yates, A. Brainstem immaturity in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: A quantitative rapid Golgi study of dendritic spines in 95 infants. Brain Research, 325:39-48, 1985. Takashima, S., Armstrong, D., Becker, L., et. al. Cerebral hypoperfusion in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Brainstem gliosis and vasculature. Ann. Neurol., 4:257-262, 1978.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Flynn Effecct
Coupled with the given assumption, I do agree that human being is getting smarter. The reason of the growth in humans intelligent is affected by several factor. The factor that took Into consideration is shown as below: – 1. 1. 1 Technology: The conveniences that technology brought to this society, not only bringing conveniences to our daily. It also shift the human Intelligent paradigm to towards the right. Therefore the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score are rising at the rate of 3 IQ points Increased per decade. 1. 1.Right to education: In the olden days, education could only affordable for the royalty and the rich. However, civil revolution has brought the awareness of the Importance of education. After World War II (1945), education system has embark the education system across some national(s). At the global level, Article 13 of the United Nations (1966), under the department of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes the right of everyone to an education. This recognition has strengthen the right for everyone to learn, having the opportunity for education, human intelligent end to continually increase as well. . 1. 3 Individual Psychology Behavior towards Media Influence (Media Psychology): Media psychology studies how media as a factor influence how people perceive, interpret, respond and interact in this cutting-edge century. To be able to perform as a media user, language abilities and reading is important. The increase of this awareness, indirectly influence human eager to learn and speak for their voice. Having this unaware awareness, it also helped in the human intelligent paradigm shift. This factor may not appear as an obvious factor UT it is a grey area to be studied further. 1. Which of the factors explaining the Flynn effect do you accept? Drawing upon the understanding towards the given case, the Education factor and Test-taking as'. N. Y factor are the main drives towards the growth in human intelligent . 1. 2. 1 Education: Students today are better educated than their ancestors, and education leads to higher test scores. 1. 2. 2 Test-taking save,y: Today's children have been tested so often that they are test-savvy. They know how to take tests and how to do well on them. 1. 3 If the Flynn effect is true, does this undermine the theory that IQ is most inherited?Why or why not? Based on the background study and understanding towards IQ, human intelligence Is not only difficult to measure; it is also difficult to define. Intelligence Is a combination of what we know (Knowledge), skills and ability to understand and reason – that Is the cognitive abilities continue to grow throughout our lives, rather than being set at birth. To answer this question In precise, IQ has only small percentage Is Inherited, biology Is only part of the Intelligence package; other factors Including our dally bobtail, what we eat to where we live, can also affect our Intelligence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethical Delima
This case presents an ethical dilemma, a situation which arises when one must choose between mutually exclusive alternatives (Beauchamp& Walters, 2003). Decisions may have results that are desirable in some respects and undesirable in others. In Juana's case, her decision to refuse the blood transfusion had the desired outcome of allowing her to remain true to her religious beliefs. However, her choice also resulted in her death. If she had followed the recommendation of the physicians and the team, the desirable outcome would have been possible survival but would have had the undesired effect of violating her religious principles.The major ethical dilemma was that by honoring the patient's autonomy and religious beliefs, the physicians and interdisciplinary team were faced with compromising their moral duty to administer professional care in accordance with established standards (Chua & Tham, 2006). A brief review of the literature of Nursing Collection II: Lippincott Nursing Journa ls (from Ovid) and CINAHL databases for the past 5 years found no evidence to support best practice for a Jehovah's Witness who is pregnant and has experienced blunt trauma.Healthcare providers faced with this situation have sometimes attempted to obtain court orders that would overrule the patient's decision and result in her submitting to recommended medical treatment. For example, the Illinois Supreme Court (Illinois v. Brown, 1996) upheld a mother's decision to refuse blood transfusions even though they were vital for both the mother's and fetus' survival. The Patient's Bill of Rights states that the healthcare providers' responsibility is to give patients accurate information and that patients must consent to treatment (New York State Department of Health, 2008).This is consistent with the Federal government's recommendations to create guidelines that assure healthcare quality and to reaffirm the critical role consumers play in safeguarding their own health, (United States Depa rtment of Health and Human Services, 1999). Nursing practice is governed by the patient's right to autonomy rather than her religious beliefs (Levy, 1999). The first item in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code for Nurses with Interpretative Statements (2001) addresses respect for human dignity:â€Å"Truth telling and the process of reaching informed choice underlie the exercise of self-determination, which is basic to respect for person †¦ Clients have the moral right to determine what will be done with their own person; to be given accurate information, and all the information necessary for making informed judgments; to be assisted with weighing the benefits and burdens of options in their treatment; to accept, refuse, or terminate treatment without coercion; and to be given necessary emotional support†(p. 1).However, it is difficult to witness death based on a person's decision to forgo care when medical options to sustain life are available. Treating this type of patient becomes particularly challenging when it involves two lives. Virtue ethics To analyze this ethical dilemma, the principles of Western medicine and the religious beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses were examined. The questions that surfaced were (a) how would the application of virtue ethics provide insight into Juana's situation, (b) what were the ethical principles in conflict, and (c) why was it an issue to administer a blood transfusion to Juana in an emergency situation.Volbrecht's framework for ethical analysis was utilized to address the clinical dilemma and the questions listed above. Virtue ethics was the primary theory employed prior to the 17th century. This theory centers on shared familial and cultural histories and religious traditions and acknowledges the community's ability to identify, interpret, prioritize, and adjust to moral considerations within a particular context (Volbrecht, 2002). The following is an exposition of this case according to virtue ethics. Virtue ethics focuses on what is morally correct from the patient's viewpoint and centers on the patient's autonomy.Actions and character are intertwined, and the ability to act morally is contingent on one's moral character and integrity. Virtue ethics focuses on the context of the situation (Volbrecht, 2002). Ethical analysis of virtue ethics entails (a) identifying the problem, (b) analyzing context, (c) exploring options, (d) applying the decision process, and (e) implementing the plan and evaluating results (Volbrecht, 2002). Identifying the problem Juana, a 20-year-old Hispanic woman, 32 weeks pregnant, was involved in a car accident. Internal bleeding to the thoracic or abdominal cavity was suspected.The stakeholders were the woman, her husband, the fetus, and the interdisciplinary healthcare team. The team thought the best method of treatment for this patient was to administer a blood transfusion and perform an emergency cesarean section. Both the patient and her husband ref used this option because of their religious beliefs and provided written documentation indicating that the patient would not accept blood or blood products. The value issues were the physical survival of the woman and her fetus versus the woman's religious integrity. Analyzing contextTo understand the decision-making process in this case, one must consider the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, compassion, and respect. The patient's religious beliefs and how they influenced her decision must also be taken into consideration. Gardiner (2003) confirms that the ethical principles mentioned above influence one's choices. In Juana's case, the healthcare team suspected she was experiencing internal bleeding and that she and the fetus were in physiological distress. Juana's decision to reject the proposed treatment was based on her stated religious beliefs.The contextual factors of this case centered on the patient's religious beliefs. The patient stated she would â€Å"rather be embraced in the hollow bosom of Jehovah than to be condemned for all eternity,†if she should receive a blood transfusion. Nurses draw from the code of ethics to reflect upon and understand the person's perspective, and to honor her wishes. â€Å"The nurse provides services with respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of the client, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem†(ANA, 2001, p.1). To respect the patient's decision and honor her dignity, supportive care was provided to the patient in an effort to save her life, while at the same time respecting her wishes. The ANA Code of Ethics supports the point of view that healthcare providers should respect patients' wishes and decisions despite their own personal beliefs (ANA, 2001). Applying an ethical decision process Looking through the lens of virtue ethics, the caregivers focused on Juana's autonomy and her ri ght to choose what she perceived best in spite of the possible outcomes.Juana was a competent, pregnant woman who made informed decisions not to receive blood transfusions or a caesarean section. Based on virtue ethics, the healthcare providers respected the patient's autonomy by reflecting on and honoring the decision of the patient and her husband based on her religious values and beliefs. The healthcare providers also drew on the principle of beneficence, which centers on promoting the well-being of others. In this case, the well-being was not physiological but spiritually oriented.The principle of nonmaleficence was also employed by not intentionally inflicting harm on the patient and honoring her wishes. Violation of a client's deeply held beliefs is a form of doing harm. (Leonard & Plotnikoff, 2000). They also drew from the principles of veracity and respect, which entail being truthful to the patient and allowing her to make an informed decision (Volbrecht, 2002). The nursing virtues of compassion, moral courage, and self-reliance also contribute to an understanding of this situation. Evaluating resultsAt the time this clinical situation presented itself there were no specific guidelines in the institution for dealing with the dilemma presented by this case. However, there are guidelines for Jehovah's Witnesses specifically geared to early identification and management of gynecological patients. For example, in Australasia, there are specific guidelines for treating pregnant women that focus on stabilizing the patient by using traditional and new treatment modalities to meet patient needs, particularly for Jehovah's Witnesses or other patients who decline blood transfusions (Women's Hospitals Australasia, 2005).For antepartum patients, the guidelines focus on early identification of Jehovah's Witnesses during prenatal visits, as well as placing these patients on a high risk protocol, including maintenance of high hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, having advance directives completed, and establishing affiliations with other hospitals that are well-equipped and staffed to meet these patients' needs (Women's Hospitals Australasia, 2005). The Hartford Hospital in Connecticut has a similar program and also performs bloodless procedures on patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses (Miller, 1996).As a result of Juana's case being reviewed by the ethics committee post-mortem, a risk-management protocol was developed requiring patients who refuse blood transfusions to sign a waiver that removes the legal responsibility for the decision from the hospital and caregivers. To support this type of protocol, the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management maintains a database of hospitals that provide blood-conserving services in the United States as well as in Canada, Chile, Korea, and South Africa (Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, 2008).The problem, however, in an emergency situation is that it may not be possible to get the pat ient to a participating hospital. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (2004) recommends that advance directives and other legal papers be in place should an emergency arise. These documents should be easily accessible so that healthcare providers can honor the patient's directives. In so doing, they will be applying the theory of virtue ethics and, therefore, respect the patient's wishes (Macklin, 2003).Healthcare providers should practice beneficence and non-maleficence without imposing their beliefs as to the right thing to do. More explicit and universal guidelines would benefit both patients and providers when faced with similar ethical dilemmas. Conclusion In nursing practice, cases of patients refusing blood transfusions or other interventions are becoming more common. Therefore, content regarding ethical issues, such as Juana's case, needs to be integrated into nursing curricula and the clinical arena.Nursing educators who incorporate bioethics into critical thinking in cl inical decision making situations can prepare novice and experienced nurses to handle complex ethical dilemmas, such as described in this paper. The learning process may be facilitated through integrating lectures with case studies and utilizing patient simulators to further enhance the learning process (Larew et al. , 2006).These teaching approaches would provide the opportunity to expose nurses to scenarios of acute patients where they can intervene in a safe environment, which in turn would decrease their anxiety and promote learning. Nurse educators can further facilitate the learning process by providing clinical experiences with diverse patient populations in a variety of settings followed by discussion of actual clinical experiences, ethical issues, and debriefing (Larew et al. , 2006).Nursing faculty have an ethical responsibility to prepare competent nurses and facilitate continuing education that will help nurses recognize ethical dilemmas in practice and apply ethical pri nciples in trying to resolve them. The focus in practice, education, and research must be on providing care that respects patients' cultural beliefs and autonomy. Nursing educators should place equal emphasis on ethics in order to provide the best holistic care possible. To do anything else is a disservice both to the profession and to our patients.
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